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There are 17 words containing A, B, D, G, N and Z

ADVERBIALIZINGadverbializing v. Present participle of adverbialize.
ADVERBIALIZE v. to give the character of an adverb to, also ADVERBIALISE.
AUDIBILIZINGSorry, definition not available.
BASTARDIZINGbastardizing v. Present participle of bastardize.
bastardizing n. The act or process by which something is bastardized.
BASTARDIZE v. to make or prove to be a bastard; to stigmatize as a bastard, also BASTARDISE.
BEDAZINGbedazing v. Present participle of bedaze.
BEDAZE v. to daze thoroughly.
BEDAZZLINGbedazzling v. Present participle of bedazzle.
BEDAZZLE v. to dazzle or make dim by a strong light.
BEDAZZLINGLYbedazzlingly adv. So as to bedazzle; stunningly bright or glamorous.
BLIZZARDINGblizzarding v. Present participle of blizzard.
BLIZZARD v. to rage like a snowstorm.
DECARBONIZINGdecarbonizing v. Present participle of decarbonize.
DECARBONIZE v. to remove carbon from, also DECARBONISE.
DECARBURIZINGdecarburizing v. Present participle of decarburize.
DECARBURIZE v. to remove carbon or carbon dioxide from, also DECARBURISE.
DESTABILIZINGdestabilizing v. Present participle of destabilize.
DESTABILIZE v. to make unstable, also DESTABILISE.
DETRIBALIZINGdetribalizing v. Present participle of detribalize.
DETRIBALIZE v. to cause to lose tribal identity, also DETRIBALISE.
DIABOLIZINGdiabolizing v. Present participle of diabolize.
DIABOLIZE v. to convert into a devil, render diabolical, also DIABOLISE.
DIAGONALIZABLEdiagonalizable adj. Able to be diagonalized.
DIAGONALIZABLE adj. a mathematical term relating to a property of matrices, also DIAGONALISABLE.
VAGABONDIZEvagabondize v. (Intransitive) To play the vagabond; to wander about in idleness.
VAGABONDIZE v. to go about as a vagabond, also VAGABONDISE.
VAGABONDIZEDvagabondized v. Simple past tense and past participle of vagabondize.
VAGABONDIZE v. to go about as a vagabond, also VAGABONDISE.
VAGABONDIZESvagabondizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vagabondize.
VAGABONDIZE v. to go about as a vagabond, also VAGABONDISE.
VAGABONDIZINGvagabondizing v. Present participle of vagabondize.
VAGABONDIZE v. to go about as a vagabond, also VAGABONDISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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