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There are 20 words containing A, G, K, M, N and Y

GOLOMYNKAgolomynka n. Alternative form of golomyanka.
GOLOMYNKA n. (Russian) a very oily fish found in Lake Baikal.
GOLOMYNKASgolomynkas n. Plural of golomynka.
GOLOMYNKA n. (Russian) a very oily fish found in Lake Baikal.
GYMKHANAgymkhana n. (Equestrianism) A competition where riders and horses display a range of skills and aptitudes.
gymkhana n. (India, dated) A place of public resort for athletic games, etc.
gymkhana n. (India, dated) A meeting for such sports.
GYMKHANASgymkhanas n. Plural of gymkhana.
GYMKHANA n. (Urdu) a sporting contest, esp. one involving riding or driving skills.
HAYMAKINGhaymaking n. The cutting of grass and subsequently curing it to make hay as fodder for animals.
haymaking n. Taking full advantage of an opportunity while it lasts.
HAYMAKING n. the harvesting of hay.
HAYMAKINGShaymakings n. Plural of haymaking.
HAYMAKING n. the harvesting of hay.
KARYOMAPPINGkaryomapping n. (Genetics) The production of a karyomap.
KARYOMAPPING n. a technique for determining whether an embryo has inherited a genetic defect by analysing DNA taken from it and its close relatives.
KARYOMAPPINGSKARYOMAPPING n. a technique for determining whether an embryo has inherited a genetic defect by analysing DNA taken from it and its close relatives.
KINEMATOGRAPHYkinematography n. Cinematography.
KINEMATOGRAPHY n. the art of the kinematograph.
MARROWSKYINGMARROWSKY v. to utter a spoonerism.
MERRYMAKINGmerrymaking n. Joyful festivities, especially as a celebration.
merry-making n. Alternative spelling of merrymaking.
MERRYMAKING n. gay or festive activity.
MERRYMAKINGSmerrymakings n. Plural of merrymaking.
MERRYMAKING n. gay or festive activity.
MONEYMAKINGmoneymaking adj. Alternative form of money-making.
moneymaking n. Alternative form of money-making.
money-making n. The acquisition of money.
MONEYMAKINGSmoney-makings n. Plural of money-making.
MONEYMAKING n. the business of making money.
MONKEYGLANDmonkeygland n. (South Africa) A spicy sauce made of onions, garlic, tomato and tabasco sauce, often as an accompaniment to steak.
MONKEYGLAND adj. as in monkeygland extract.
MYTHMAKINGmythmaking n. The production or composing of myths.
MYTHMAKING n. the making of myths.
MYTHMAKINGSmythmakings n. Plural of mythmaking.
MYTHMAKING n. the making of myths.
PLAYMAKINGplaymaking n. (Sports) The initiation of offensive play with the intent of scoring a goal (or the equivalent).
PLAYMAKING n. the process of making a play.
PLAYMAKINGSPLAYMAKING n. the process of making a play.
WAYMARKINGwaymarking n. A recreational activity involving the finding and logging of points of interest, usually with a GPS…
WAYMARK v. to mark with a waymark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 215 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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