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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 3A, C, 2S and T

ACATHISIASACATHISIA n. a psychological condition characterised by agitation and a frequent desire to alter the posture, also AKATHISIA.
ALCATRASESALCATRAS n. (Arabic) a kind of large water bird.
ASTRACHANSastrachans n. Plural of astrachan.
ASTRACHAN n. a closely-curled black or grey fur from the fleece of karakul lambs, also ASTRAKHAN.
CATACLASEScataclases n. Plural of cataclasis.
CATACLASIS n. the deformation of rocks by crushing and shearing.
CATACLASIScataclasis n. (Geology) cataclastic rock (a type of metamorphic rock that has been wholly or partly formed by the…
cataclasis n. (Geology) A process of formation of such rock.
CATACLASIS n. the deformation of rocks by crushing and shearing.
CATACLASMScataclasms n. Plural of cataclasm.
CATACLASM n. (Greek) disruption; breaking down.
CATAPLASMScataplasms n. Plural of cataplasm.
CATAPLASM n. a plaster or poultice.
CATASTASEScatastases n. Plural of catastasis.
CATASTASIS n. the part of drama where action is at its height.
CATASTASIScatastasis n. In classical drama, the third and penultimate section, in which action is heightened for the catastrophe.
catastasis n. (Rhetoric) The part of a speech that states the subject to be discussed.
CATASTASIS n. the part of drama where action is at its height.
SACAHUISTAsacahuista n. Nolina microcarpa, a flowering plant in the asparagus family.
SACAHUISTA n. (Nahuatl) a bear grass that may cause poisoning in livestock, also SACAHUISTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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