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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 3A, E, L, N and R

APHELANDRAaphelandra n. Any of the tropical evergreen shrubs in the genus Aphelandra.
APHELANDRA n. any shrub of the evergreen genus Aphelandra, widely grown as a house plant for its variegated shiny leaves and brightly coloured flowers.
AQUAPLANERaquaplaner n. One who aquaplanes.
AQUAPLANER n. one who aquaplanes.
ATRAMENTALatramental adj. Of or relating to ink; inky; black.
ATRAMENTAL adj. inky black, also ATRAMENTOUS.
CALAMANDERcalamander n. A valuable furniture wood from India and Ceylon, of a hazel-brown color, with black stripes, very hard…
CALAMANDER n. (Sinhalese) a hard valuable wood of the ebony genus.
CANDELABRAcandelabra n. Plural of candelabrum.
candelabra n. (Nonstandard) A single candelabrum.
CANDELABRA n. a candleholder.
GARLANDAGEgarlandage n. Garlands, or decorations that resemble garlands.
GARLANDAGE n. (Tennyson) a decoration of garlands.
MANAGERIALmanagerial adj. Of or relating to a manager or management; involving management-like duties.
MANAGERIAL adj. relating to a manager.
NARRATABLEnarratable adj. Capable of being narrated.
NARRATABLE adj. that can be narrated.
PARAPINEALparapineal adj. Beside the pineal.
PARAPINEAL adj. beside the pineal gland.
PLANETARIAplanetaria n. Plural of planetarium.
PLANETARIUM n. a model or representation of the solar system.
SALAMANDERsalamander n. A long, slender, chiefly terrestrial amphibian of the order Caudata, superficially resembling a lizard.
salamander n. (Mythology) A creature much like a lizard that is resistant to and lives in fire (in which it is often…
salamander n. (Cooking) A metal utensil with a flat head which is heated and put over a dish to brown the top.
SALMANASERSALMANASER n. a large wine bottle containing 2.10 gallons, also SALMANAZAR.
TARANTELLAtarantella n. A rapid dance in 6/8 time, originating in Italy, or a piece of music for such a dance.
TARANTELLA n. (Italian) a lively, whirling South Italian dance once thought to be caused by tarantism.
TARANTULAEtarantulae n. Plural of tarantula.
TARANTULA n. any one of several species of large spiders, popularly supposed to be very venomous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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