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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, 2E, M and N

ABASEMENTSabasements n. Plural of abasement.
ABASEMENT n. the state of being abased (humbled); humiliation.
ABATEMENTSabatements n. Plural of abatement.
ABATEMENT n. a diminution; a mark of dishonour added to heraldic arms.
CARBAPENEMcarbapenem n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of broad-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotics that are resistant to enzymatic…
DEMANDABLEdemandable adj. Capable of being demanded.
DEMANDABLE adj. that may be demanded or claimed.
ENDAMOEBAEendamoebae n. Plural of endamoeba.
ENDAMOEBA n. (Greek) a parasitic amoeba, also ENDAMEBA.
ENDAMOEBASendamoebas n. Plural of endamoeba.
ENDAMOEBA n. (Greek) a parasitic amoeba, also ENDAMEBA.
ENTAMOEBAEentamoebae n. Plural of entamoeba.
ENTAMOEBA n. (Greek) an amoeba that causes amoebic dysentery, also ENDAMEBA, ENDAMOEBA, ENTAMEBA.
ENTAMOEBASentamoebas n. Plural of entamoeba.
ENTAMOEBA n. (Greek) an amoeba that causes amoebic dysentery, also ENDAMEBA, ENDAMOEBA, ENTAMEBA.
EXAMINABLEexaminable adj. Able to be examined.
examinable adj. Eligible to appear in an examination.
EXAMINABLE adj. that can be examined.
GARBAGEMENgarbagemen n. Plural of garbageman.
garbage␣men n. Plural of garbage man.
GARBAGEMAN n. one who collects and hauls away garbage.
LAMENTABLElamentable adj. Causing sorrow, distress or regret; deplorable, pitiful or distressing.
LAMENTABLE adj. deserving or expressing sorrow.
MANAGEABLEmanageable adj. Capable of being managed or controlled.
manageable adj. Capable of being done or fulfilled; achievable.
MANAGEABLE adj. that can be managed.
UNAMENABLEunamenable adj. Not amenable.
UNAMENABLE adj. not amenable.
UNNAMEABLEunnameable adj. That cannot, or should not, be named.
UNNAMEABLE adj. not capable of being named, also UNNAMABLE.
UNTAMEABLEuntameable adj. Incapable of being controlled, subdued, or tamed.
UNTAMEABLE adj. that cannot be tamed, also UNTAMABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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