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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, E, I, O and T

ABERRATIONaberration n. The act of wandering; deviation from truth, moral rectitude; abnormal; divergence from the straight…
aberration n. (Optics) The convergence to different foci, by a lens or mirror, of rays of light emanating from one…
aberration n. (Astronomy) A small periodical change of the apparent positions of the stars and other heavenly bodies…
ABNEGATIONabnegation n. A denial; a renunciation; denial of desire or self-interest.
ABNEGATION n. an act of abnegating.
ABOMINATEDabominated v. Simple past tense and past participle of abominate.
ABOMINATE v. to loathe.
ABOMINATESabominates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abominate.
ABOMINATE v. to loathe.
ABREACTIONabreaction n. (Psychoanalysis) The re-living of an experience with a view to purging its emotional dross.
ABREACTION n. the resolution of a neurosis by reviving forgotten or repressed ideas of the event first causing it.
ABROGATIVEabrogative adj. Tending or designed to abrogate.
ABROGATIVE adj. relating to annulment.
ACTIONABLEactionable adj. That can be acted on; that can be used as the basis for taking action.
actionable adj. (Law) Affording grounds for legal action.
ACTIONABLE adj. that can be actioned.
AEROBATICSaerobatics n. Spectacular stunts, performed in an airplane or glider. Examples include various types of rolls and loops.
AEROBATICS n. spectacular flying feats and maneuvers (as rolls and dives).
AMETABOLICametabolic adj. (Entomology) Not undergoing metamorphosis.
AMETABOLIC adj. of insects, showing little or no metamorphosis, also AMETABOLOUS.
ANABOLITESanabolites n. Plural of anabolite.
ANABOLITE n. a product of anabolism, the constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished from katabolism.
ARBORVITAEarborvitae n. Any of several North American or Asian conifers, of the genera Thuja and Thujopsis or the species Platycladus…
arborvitae n. (Anatomy) The white nerve tissue of the cerebellum that has a branching structure.
arbor␣vitae n. Any of the evergreen trees and shrubs known as arborvitae, of the genera Thuja and Thujopsis, or of…
BALNEATIONbalneation n. (Formal) The act of bathing.
balneation n. The administration of public baths.
BALNEATION n. the act of bathing.
CATABOLISEcatabolise v. Alternative form of catabolize.
CATABOLISE v. to subject to catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also CATABOLIZE.
CATABOLITEcatabolite n. (Biochemistry) Any substance produced during catabolism.
CATABOLITE n. a product of catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures.
CATABOLIZEcatabolize v. (Intransitive) To undergo catabolism.
catabolize v. (Transitive) To cause (a substance) to undergo catabolism.
catabolize v. (Transitive) To produce (a substance) by catabolism.
DEALBATIONdealbation n. (Chemistry, archaic) The process or act of becoming or being made white, most commonly by bleaching; whitening.
DEALBATION n. whitening; bleaching.
ISOLATABLEISOLATABLE adj. that can be isolated.
OBTAINABLEobtainable adj. Able to be obtained.
OBTAINABLE adj. that can be obtained.
SAILBOATERsailboater n. One who sails a sailboat.
SAILBOATER n. one who sails a sailing-boat.
TRABEATIONtrabeation n. (Architecture) Beams used instead of arches or vaulting.
trabeation n. (Architecture) An entablature.
TRABEATION n. a construct of horizontal beams.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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