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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, I, 2L and U

BACILLURIAbacilluria n. (Pathology) The discharge of urine containing bacilli.
BACILLURIA n. the presence of bacteria in the urine.
BALIBUNTALbalibuntal n. A fine, woven straw used for making hats.
balibuntal n. A straw hat made from this material.
BALIBUNTAL n. (Tagalog) fine, closely-woven straw; a hat made of this.
BIANNUALLYbiannually adv. Taking place twice per year, semiannually.
biannually adv. Taking place every two years, biennially.
BIANNUAL adv. taking place twice a year.
BIMANUALLYbimanually adv. Using both hands.
BIMANUAL adv. done with two hands.
BINAURALLYbinaurally adv. In a binaural fashion; using or pertaining to both ears.
BINAURAL adv. hearing with both ears.
BIVALVULARbivalvular adj. Having two valves.
BIVALVULAR adj. having two valves.
HABITUALLYhabitually adv. By habit; in a habitual manner.
habitually adv. Occurring regularly or usually.
HABITUAL adv. according to habit.
ILLAUDABLEillaudable adj. Not laudable; unpraiseworthy.
ILLAUDABLE adj. not praiseworthy.
ILLAUDABLYillaudably adv. In a way that is not laudable, or praiseworthy.
ILLAUDABLE adv. not praiseworthy.
INVALUABLEinvaluable adj. Having great or incalculable value.
invaluable adj. (Obsolete) Not valuable; worthless.
INVALUABLE adj. beyond value.
INVALUABLYinvaluably adv. In an invaluable manner; inestimably.
INVALUABLE adv. beyond value.
SUBGLACIALsubglacial adj. Formed, or occurring beneath a glacier or other body of ice.
subglacial adj. (Informal) Moving at a rate allegedly slower than a glacier.
SUBGLACIAL adj. of or relating to the bottom of a glacier or the area immediately underlying a glacier.
UNBAILABLEunbailable adj. Not bailable.
UNBAILABLE adj. that cannot be bailed.
UNMAILABLEunmailable adj. That cannot be mailed, or sent by post.
UNMAILABLE adj. that cannot be sent by mail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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