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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing 2A, B, I, R, T and U

ABJURATIONabjuration n. A solemn recantation or renunciation on oath; as, an abjuration of heresy.
abjuration n. A repudiation on oath of a religious or political principle.
abjuration n. The act of abjuring.
ARCUBALISTarcubalist n. A crossbow.
ARCUBALIST n. a crossbow.
AUBRIETIASaubrietias n. Plural of aubrietia.
AUBRIETIA n. any of several dwarf trailing cruciferous plants of the genus Aubrieta, usually bearing violet or purple flowers, also AUBRETIA, AUBRIETA.
BACTERURIAbacteruria n. Alternative form of bacteriuria.
BACTERURIA n. the presence of bacteria in the urine, also BACTERIURIA.
BIQUADRATEbiquadrate n. (Mathematics) The fourth power; the square of a square.
biquadrate v. (Transitive, arithmetic) To raise to the fourth power; to determine the result of multiplying by itself three times.
BIQUADRATE n. the fourth power.
EUBACTERIAeubacteria n. Plural of eubacterium.
Eubacteria prop.n. (Obsolete) Formerly a taxonomic subkingdom, within kingdom Bacteria, now considered synonymous with kingdom Bacteria.
EUBACTERIUM n. a member of the Eubacteriales; any typical bacterium.
OUTBARGAINoutbargain v. (Transitive) To outdo in bargaining.
OUTBARGAIN v. to surpass in bargaining.
PATIBULARYpatibulary adj. (Now rare, chiefly humorous) Pertaining to the gallows or hanging.
PATIBULARY adj. of or pertaining to the gallows.
RIBATTUTASribattutas n. Plural of ribattuta.
RIBATTUTA n. (Italian) the slow beginning of a trill.
TABULARISEtabularise v. Alternative form of tabularize.
TABULARISE v. to tabulate, also TABULARIZE.
TABULARIZEtabularize v. (Transitive) To make tabular, or format as a table; to tabulate.
TABULARIZE v. to tabulate, also TABULARISE.
TAUROBOLIAtaurobolia n. Plural of taurobolium.
TAUROBOLIUM n. the sacrifice of a bull, as in the ancient Phrygian cult of Cybele.
TUBULARIANtubularian n. (Zoology) Any hydroid belonging to the former suborder Tubularida.
tubularian adj. Hydriform in a tubular shape with wide disc.
TUBULARIAN n. any hydroid belonging to the suborder Tubularida.
ULTRABASICultrabasic adj. (Geology) ultramafic.
ultrabasic n. (Geology) ultramafic.
ULTRABASIC adj. very poor in silica.
UMBRATICALumbratical adj. Alternative form of umbratic.
UMBRATICAL adj. of or pertaining to the shade or darkness, also UMBRATIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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