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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, G, 2N and T

ANTICAKINGanticaking adj. Preventing caking.
anti-caking adj. Used to prevent a powder from forming a solid block or cake.
ANTICAKING adj. of a food additive, intended to stop a powdered product from forming solid lumps.
ARCTANGENTarctangent n. (Trigonometry) Any of several single-valued or multivalued functions that are inverses of the tangent…
ARCTANGENT n. a geometrical ratio.
CANULATINGcanulating v. Present participle of canulate.
CANULATE v. to insert a canula into, also CANNULATE.
CAPTAININGcaptaining v. Present participle of captain.
CAPTAIN v. to lead or command.
CARTONNAGEcartonnage n. The papyrus used to wrap mummies in ancient Egypt.
cartonnage n. Pasteboard.
CARTONNAGE n. (French) papyrus or linen soaked in plaster, shaped around a body; used for mummy masks and coffins, also CARTONAGE.
CATENATINGcatenating v. Present participle of catenate.
CATENATE v. to link together.
CATNAPPINGcatnapping v. Present participle of catnap.
catnapping n. The kidnapping or theft of a cat.
cat-napping v. Present participle of cat-nap.
STAGNANCESSTAGNANCE n. the state of being stagnant, also STAGNANCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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