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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing 2A, C, I, L, O and U

ACOUSTICALacoustical adj. Of or pertaining to hearing or acoustics.
ACOUSTICAL adj. relating to the science of sound, also ACOUSTIC.
ALACRITOUSalacritous adj. (Rare) Brisk, speedy, with alacrity, quick and eager.
ALACRITOUS adj. showing alacrity.
ALLIACEOUSalliaceous adj. Smelling or tasting of garlic or onion.
ALLIACEOUS adj. of or relating to garlic.
APOLAUSTICapolaustic adj. (Formal) Dedicated to enjoyment.
APOLAUSTIC n. the philosophy of the pleasurable.
AUTOPTICALautoptical adj. Alternative form of autoptic.
AUTOPTICAL adj. based on personal observation, as autoptic testimony, also AUTOPTIC.
CALAMITOUScalamitous adj. Concerning or involving calamity, disastrous.
CALAMITOUS adj. disastrous.
CALIATOURSCALIATOUR n. an old term for a tropical dyewood, perhaps red-sanders, also CALLIATURE.
CANULATIONcanulation n. Alternative form of cannulation.
CANULATION n. the process of inserting a canula into, also CANNULATION.
COLUMBARIAcolumbaria n. Plural of columbarium.
COLUMBARIUM n. (Latin) a vault with niches for storing urns; a dovecote or pigeon house.
CURATORIALcuratorial adj. Of or relating to a curator.
CURATORIAL adj. relating to a curator.
FALLACIOUSfallacious adj. Characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken.
fallacious adj. Deceptive or misleading.
FALLACIOUS adj. embodying or pertaining to a fallacy.
JACULATIONjaculation n. (Obsolete) The act of throwing or tossing something.
JACULATION n. the act of throwing or hurling.
KOULIBIACAkoulibiaca n. A Russian dish of salmon, rice etc. cooked in puff pastry.
KOULIBIACA n. (Russian) a Russian fish pie, also COULIBIAC, COULIBIACA.
LACTOSURIAlactosuria n. The presence of lactose in the urine.
LACTOSURIA n. the presence of lactose in the urine.
MACULATIONmaculation n. (Obsolete) The act of spotting; a spot; a blemish.
maculation n. (Zoology, botany, chiefly uncountable) A pattern of spots.
MACULATION n. being covered in spots.
MARLACIOUSmarlacious adj. (Geology) Containing large quantities of marl.
MARLACIOUS adj. containing marl.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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