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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing 2A, E, L, N, O and U

ABLUTOMANEABLUTOMANE n. one obsessed with washing.
CANTALOUPEcantaloupe n. A melon of species Cucumis melo subsp. melo with sweet orange flesh, with numerous cultivars in several…
cantaloupe n. An orange colour, like that of cantaloupe flesh.
CANTALOUPE n. (Italian) a small musk melon with a ribbed skin, also CANTALOUP.
EQUATIONALequational adj. Of, pertaining to, or constructed using equations.
EQUATIONAL adj. relating to an equation.
EVALUATIONevaluation n. An assessment, such as an annual personnel performance review used as the basis for a salary increase…
evaluation n. (Mathematics) A completion of a mathematical operation; a valuation.
evaluation n. (Computing, programming) Determination of the value of a variable or expression.
LAUREATIONlaureation n. The act of crowning with laurel; the act of conferring an academic degree, or honorary title.
LAUREATION n. the act of crowning with laurel; graduation.
MEIOFAUNALmeiofaunal adj. Pertaining to, or characteristic of, a meiofauna.
MEIOFAUNAL adj. relating to the meiofauna.
MENOPAUSALmenopausal adj. Of, or pertaining to the menopause.
MENOPAUSAL adj. relating to the menopause, also MENOPAUSIC.
OUTBALANCEoutbalance v. To have more influence or significance than another; to preponderate or outweigh.
OUTBALANCE v. to outweigh; to exceed in weight or effect.
UNATONABLEunatonable adj. Incapable of being atoned for; inexpiable.
unatonable adj. (Obsolete) Not capable of being brought into harmony; irreconcilable.
UNATONABLE adj. not capable of being atoned.
UNSEASONALunseasonal adj. Not normal, appropriate, or expected for the season or time of year.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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