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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing 2A, H, I, O, R and T

ACHROMATICachromatic adj. (Optics) Free from color; transmitting light without color-related distortion.
achromatic adj. Containing components such as achromatic lenses and prisms, designed to prevent color-related distortion.
achromatic adj. (Biology) Uncolored; not absorbing color from a fluid; -- said of tissue.
ACHROMATINachromatin n. (Biology) Tissue that is not stained by fluid dyes.
ACHROMATIN n. tissue which is not stained by fluid dyes.
ANTHRACOIDanthracoid adj. (Biology) Resembling anthrax.
ANTHRACOID adj. resembling anthrax; resembling carbon, coal or charcoal.
ARTHRODIAEARTHRODIA n. in zoology, a joint.
ARTHRODIALarthrodial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to arthrodia or to an arthrosis.
ARTHRODIAL adj. relating to arthrodia, a joint.
BRACHIATORbrachiator n. Any creature that moves by means of brachiation.
BRACHIATOR n. an animal, such as a gibbon, that progresses by brachiation.
CATAPHORICcataphoric adj. Of or relating to cataphora.
CATAPHORIC adj. relating to a cataphora, a rhetorical term.
HABILATORYhabilatory adj. Of or pertaining to clothing.
HABILATORY adj. of or relating to clothes or dressing.
HAGIOLATERhagiolater n. One who practices hagiolatry (the worship of saints).
HAGIOLATER n. a worshipper of saints.
HAGIOLATRYhagiolatry n. The worship of saints.
HAGIOLATRY n. worship or reverence for saints.
HARIOLATEDhariolated v. Simple past tense and past participle of hariolate.
HARIOLATE v. to prophesy, soothsay.
HARIOLATEShariolates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hariolate.
HARIOLATE v. to prophesy, soothsay.
HATINATORShatinators n. Plural of hatinator.
HATINATOR n. a small decorative hat, worn on social occasions.
HAUSTORIALhaustorial adj. Relating to a haustorium.
HAUSTORIAL adj. having a haustorium, a sucker-like rootlet.
INHALATORSinhalators n. Plural of inhalator.
INHALATOR n. an apparatus for enabling one to inhale a gas, vapour etc.
MACHINATORmachinator n. One who machinates, or forms a scheme with evil designs; a plotter or artful schemer.
MACHINATOR n. one who machinates; a plotter.
MATRIOSHKAmatrioshka n. Alternative form of matryoshka.
MATRIOSHKA n. (Russian) a Russian doll, also MATROYSHKA, MATRYOSHKA.
PARASHIOTHparashioth n. Plural of parashah.
PARASHAH n. (Hebrew) a passage in Jewish literature.
PARATHIONSparathions n. Plural of parathion.
PARATHION n. an extremely toxic insecticide.
PROTHALLIAprothallia n. Plural of prothallium.
PROTHALLIUM n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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