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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2A, L, 2R, S and T

ARBALESTERarbalester n. Alternative form of arbalister.
ARBALISTERarbalister n. (Obsolete) A crossbowman.
ARBLASTERSarblasters n. Plural of arblaster.
ARRESTABLEarrestable adj. (Law enforcement) Capable of, or suitable for, being arrested (taken into police custody).
arrestable adj. (Law) For which one can be arrested (taken into police custody).
ARRESTABLE adj. that can be arrested.
ASTROLATRYastrolatry n. The worship of the stars.
ASTROLATRY n. worship of stars.
BREASTRAILbreastrail n. The upper rail of any parapet of ordinary height, as of a balcony, the railing of a quarterdeck, etc.
BREASTRAIL n. the upper rail of any parapet of ordinary height, as of a balcony.
CARRYTALEScarrytales n. Plural of carrytale.
CARRYTALE n. (Shakespeare) a talebearer.
EXTRASOLARextrasolar adj. (Astronomy) of or originating outside the Solar System.
extrasolar adj. (Astrophysics) of or originating in a solar system other than Earth’s.
extra-solar adj. Alternative spelling of extrasolar.
PORTRAYALSportrayals n. Plural of portrayal.
PORTRAYAL n. the act of portraying.
SUPERALTARsuperaltar n. (Architecture) A raised shelf or stand on the back of an altar, suitable for holding objects; a predella or gradino.
SUPERALTAR n. a raised shelf or stand on the back of an altar.
TRANSFERALtransferal n. A transfer, especially the making over of legal title or ownership to another.
TRANSFERAL n. the act of transfer, also TRANSFERRAL.
TRANSLATORtranslator n. A person who converts speech, text, film, or other material into a different language. (Contrasted with interpreter.)
translator n. (By extension) One that makes a new version of a source material in a different language or format.
translator n. A computer program that translates something from one language to another using machine translation.
TRANSLUNARtranslunar adj. (Of a spaceflight or trajectory) Towards the Moon from the Earth or another planet.
translunar adj. Situated beyond the Moon or its orbit; unworldly.
trans-lunar adj. Alternative form of translunar.
TRANSPOLARtranspolar adj. Extending across, or crossing one of the poles, or a polar region.
TRANSPOLAR adj. across the poles.
TRAVERSALStraversals n. Plural of traversal.
TRAVERSAL n. the action of traversing.
TRIALWARESTRIALWARE n. computer software that can be used without charge for a limited evaluation period.
ULTRASHARPultrasharp adj. Extremely or excessively sharp; rapier.
ULTRASHARP adj. very very sharp.
ULTRASMARTultrasmart adj. Extremely smart.
ULTRASMART adj. very very smart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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