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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2A, L, 2R, T and U

CHARTULARYchartulary n. Alternative form of cartulary.
CHARTULARY n. a collection of deeds and titles to estate or monastery.
COLORATURAcoloratura n. (Uncountable) Florid or fancy passages in vocal music.
coloratura n. (Countable) A singer of such passages, especially a soprano.
coloratura adj. Pertaining to coloratura.
CURATORIALcuratorial adj. Of or relating to a curator.
CURATORIAL adj. relating to a curator.
EXTRADURALextradural adj. (Anatomy) Outside of the dura mater.
extradural n. Such an injection.
EXTRADURAL n. the epidural injection of an anaesthetic esp. in childbirth.
EXTRAMURALextramural adj. Taking place outside the walls of an institution, especially a school or university.
extramural adj. Describing teaching of students who are not resident at such an institution.
EXTRAMURAL adj. outside the walls or fortifications; outside, but under the aegis of e.g. a university.
GRANULATERGRANULATER n. something that granulates, also GRANULATOR.
GRANULATORgranulator n. A machine that forms material into granules.
GRANULATOR n. something that granulates, also GRANULATER.
INTRAMURALintramural adj. Within the walls; within one institution, particularly a school.
intramural adj. Within the substance of the walls of an organ.
intramural n. A (usually sports) competition between teams belonging to the same school.
MATRICULARMATRICULAR adj. relating to a register.
PARTICULARparticular adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining only to a part of something; partial.
particular adj. Specific; discrete; concrete.
particular adj. Specialised; characteristic of a specific person or thing.
SUPERALTARsuperaltar n. (Architecture) A raised shelf or stand on the back of an altar, suitable for holding objects; a predella or gradino.
SUPERALTAR n. a raised shelf or stand on the back of an altar.
TRABECULARtrabecular adj. Of or pertaining to a trabecula.
TRABECULAR adj. having trabeculae, transversely barred, also TRABECULATE, TRABECULATED.
TRANSLUNARtranslunar adj. (Of a spaceflight or trajectory) Towards the Moon from the Earth or another planet.
translunar adj. Situated beyond the Moon or its orbit; unworldly.
trans-lunar adj. Alternative form of translunar.
TRIANGULARtriangular adj. Shaped like a triangle.
triangular adj. Of, or pertaining to, triangles.
triangular adj. Having a triangle as a base; as, a triangular prism, a triangular pyramid.
ULTRALARGEultralarge adj. Very large.
ULTRALARGE adj. very very large.
ULTRARAPIDultrarapid adj. Extraordinarily rapid; of utmost rapidity.
ULTRARAPID adj. very very rapid.
ULTRASHARPultrasharp adj. Extremely or excessively sharp; rapier.
ULTRASHARP adj. very very sharp.
ULTRASMARTultrasmart adj. Extremely smart.
ULTRASMART adj. very very smart.
URTICARIALurticarial adj. Relating to urticaria.
URTICARIAL adj. relating to urticaria, nettle rash.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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