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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, B, E, G, N, S and T

ABIOGENISTabiogenist n. (Biology) One who believes that life can be produced independently of antecedent life.
ABIOGENIST n. a believer in abiogenesis, the supposed spontaneous origination of living organisms directly from lifeless matter.
ABNEGATORSabnegators n. Plural of abnegator.
ABNEGATOR n. one who abnegates, renounce.
ABSTERGENTabstergent adj. Cleansing, detergent.
abstergent n. A substance used to cleanse; a detergent.
ABSTERGENT adj. serving to cleanse, detergent.
ABSTERGINGabsterging v. Present participle of absterge.
ABSTERGE v. to cleanse by wiping.
BANTERINGSbanterings n. Plural of bantering.
BANTERING n. the exchange of mildly teasing remarks.
BASSETTINGbassetting v. Present participle of bassett.
BASSETT v. to outcrop, also BASSET.
BATTENINGSbattenings n. Plural of battening.
BATTENING n. battens forming a structure.
BATTERINGSbatterings n. Plural of battering.
BATTERING n. a beating involving repeated blows.
BESAINTINGbesainting v. Present participle of besaint.
BESAINT v. to make a saint of.
BESTAININGbestaining v. Present participle of bestain.
BESTAIN v. to stain all over.
BESTARRINGbestarring v. Present participle of bestar.
BESTAR v. to cover with stars.
BESTEADINGbesteading n. Help; assistance; aid; avail.
besteading v. Present participle of bestead.
BESTEAD v. (archaic) to help, relieve.
BREATHINGSbreathings n. Plural of breathing.
BREATHING n. the act of taking breath.
GANGBUSTERgangbuster n. A law enforcement officer who specializes in disrupting organized crime.
GANGBUSTER n. a special police agent working to combat criminal gangs.
OBSIGNATEDobsignated v. Simple past tense and past participle of obsignate.
OBSIGNATE v. to seal or confirm, also OBSIGN.
OBSIGNATESobsignates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of obsignate.
OBSIGNATE v. to seal or confirm, also OBSIGN.
RESTABLINGrestabling v. Present participle of restable.
RESTABLE v. to put in stables again.
SUBTANGENTsubtangent n. (Geometry) The part of the axis contained between the ordinate and tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.
SUBTANGENT n. the part of the axis contained between the ordinate and tangent drawn to the same point in a curve.
SWINGBEATSSWINGBEAT n. a type of dance music.
WEBCASTINGwebcasting v. Present participle of webcast.
webcasting n. Broadcasting over the World Wide Web, especially by using a webcam.
webcasting n. Spreading information over the Internet using push technology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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