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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, B, H, 2I, R and S

BAHUVRIHISbahuvrihis n. Plural of bahuvrihi.
bahuvrīhis n. Plural of bahuvrīhi.
Bahuvrīhis n. Plural of Bahuvrīhi.
BILHARZIASbilharzias n. Plural of bilharzia.
BILHARZIA n. a disease caused by infestation of the body with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma, aka schistosomiasis, also BILHARZIASIS, BILHARZIOSIS.
BRAHMINISMBrahminism prop.n. Alternative spelling of Brahmanism.
BRAHMINISM n. the religious and social system of orthodox Hinduism, also BRAHMANISM.
BRAHMINISTBrahminist n. Alternative form of Brahmanist.
BRAHMINIST n. a practitioner of brahmanism, also BRAHMANIST.
HEBRAISINGHebraising v. Present participle of Hebraise.
HEBRAISE v. to make Hebrew, also HEBRAIZE.
HINDBRAINShindbrains n. Plural of hindbrain.
HINDBRAIN n. the posterior of the three principal divisions of the brain.
INHABITERSinhabiters n. Plural of inhabiter.
INHABITER n. one who inhabits, also INHABITOR.
INHABITORSinhabitors n. Plural of inhabitor.
INHABITOR n. one who inhabits, also INHABITER.
RABBITFISHrabbitfish n. Any fish in the family Siganidae, native to shallow Indo-Pacific coastal waters and introduced to the…
rabbitfish n. Any fish in the family Chimaeridae, cartilaginous fish in the order Chimaeriformes.
RABBITFISH n. a type of herring, or other fish thought to resemble a rabbit.
REINHABITSreinhabits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reinhabit.
REINHABIT v. to inhabit again.
SYBARITISHSYBARITISH adj. like a sybarite, devoted to luxury, also SYBARITIC, SYBARITICAL.
WARIBASHISWARIBASHI n. (Japanese) a pair of chopsticks in the form of a single sliver of wood ready scored for splitting in two.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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