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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2E, N, T and V

ACTIVENESSactiveness n. The state or quality of being active.
ACTIVENESS n. the quality of being active.
ADVERTENCEadvertence n. The quality of being advertent.
ADVERTENCE n. the act of adverting, of the quality of being advertent, also ADVERTENCY.
ADVERTENCYadvertency n. The quality of being advertent.
ADVERTENCY n. the act of adverting, of the quality of being advertent, also ADVERTENCE.
CANTILEVERcantilever n. (Architecture) A beam anchored at one end and projecting into space, such as a long bracket projecting…
cantilever n. A beam anchored at one end and used as a lever within a microelectromechanical system.
cantilever n. (Figure skating) A technique, similar to the spread eagle, in which the skater travels along a deep…
CONTRAVENEcontravene v. (Transitive) To act contrary to an order; to fail to conform to a regulation or obligation.
contravene v. (Transitive, obsolete) To deny the truth of something.
CONTRAVENE v. to act counter to.
CONVERSATEconversate v. (Now chiefly African American Vernacular English, nonstandard) To converse, to have conversation.
COVENANTEDcovenanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of covenant.
covenanted adj. Bound by a covenant.
COVENANT v. to enter into a binding agreement.
COVENANTEEcovenantee n. The person in whose favor a covenant is made.
COVENANTEE n. the person in whose favor a covenant is made.
COVENANTERcovenanter n. One who makes a covenant.
Covenanter n. (Historical) A member of a Scottish Presbyterian movement that played an important part in the history…
COVENANTER n. one who makes a covenant, also COVENANTOR.
EVANESCENTevanescent adj. Disappearing, vanishing.
evanescent adj. Barely there; almost imperceptible.
evanescent adj. Ephemeral, fleeting, momentary.
EVECTIONALevectional adj. (Astronomy) Relating to evection.
EVECTIONAL adj. relating to evection, a lunar inequality.
FLAVESCENTflavescent adj. Yellow-ish in colour, or turning yellow.
FLAVESCENT adj. yellowish or turning yellow.
INVETERACYinveteracy n. The state of being inveterate; long continuance; firmness or deep-rooted persistence.
INVETERACY n. the quality of being inveterate.
TERVALENCYTERVALENCY n. the state of being trivalent, also TRIVALENCE, TRIVALENCY.
TRIVALENCEtrivalence n. (Chemistry) The condition of being trivalent.
TRIVALENCE n. the state of being trivalent, also TERVALENCY, TRIVALENCY.
UNCREATIVEuncreative adj. Not creative.
UNCREATIVE adj. not creative.
UNREACTIVEunreactive adj. (Chemistry) Not reactive; relatively inert.
unreactive adj. (Psychology) That does not respond to a stimulation.
un-reactive adj. Alternative spelling of unreactive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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