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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2E, P and 2T

CREPITATEDcrepitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of crepitate.
CREPITATE v. to crackle; to snap.
CREPITATEScrepitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crepitate.
CREPITATE v. to crackle; to snap.
DECAPITATEdecapitate v. (Transitive, literally) To remove the head of.
decapitate v. (Transitive, figurative) To oust or destroy the leadership or ruling body of (A government etc.).
DECAPITATE v. to cut off the head of.
EMPATHETICempathetic adj. Showing empathy for others, and recognizing their feelings; empathic.
EMPATHETIC adj. involving or showing empathy, also EMPATHIC.
EXCEPTANTSexceptants n. Plural of exceptant.
EXCEPTANT n. something excepted, left out.
EXPECTANTSexpectants n. Plural of expectant.
EXPECTANT n. a person who is expectant.
HEPATOCYTEhepatocyte n. Any of the cells in the liver responsible for the metabolism of protein, carbohydrate and lipid and…
HEPATOCYTE n. an epithelial parenchymatous cell of the liver.
METALEPTICmetaleptic adj. Of or pertaining to metalepsis.
METALEPTIC adj. of or pertaining to a metalepsis, also METALEPTICAL.
PACESETTERpacesetter n. A person who determines the rate of action through leading.
pace-setter n. Alternative spelling of pacesetter.
pace␣setter n. Alternative spelling of pacesetter.
PECTINATEDpectinated adj. (Anatomy, zoology, botany) Having narrow ridges or projections aligned close together like the teeth of a comb.
PECTINATED adj. toothed like a comb, also PECTINATE.
PERNOCTATEpernoctate v. (Intransitive) To stay all night; to pass the night (especially in prayer).
PERNOCTATE v. to pass the night in vigil or prayer.
PLACENTATEplacentate adj. Having a placenta.
PLACENTATE adj. having a placenta.
PLANCHETTEplanchette n. A small plank.
planchette n. (Spiritualism) A type of Ouija board. (A small tablet of wood supported on casters and having a pencil…
planchette n. A plane table.
RESPECTANTrespectant adj. (Heraldry, numismatics) Placed so as to face one another; face to face.
RESPECTANT adj. facing each other.
TELEPATHICtelepathic adj. (Parapsychology) Of, relating to, or using telepathy.
TELEPATHIC adj. related to telepathy.
TICKERTAPEticker␣tape n. (Trading, finance) Paper tape on which a stock ticker, news ticker or similar device would print incoming information.
ticker␣tape n. (By extension) Any device used for displaying usually sideways scrolling news or updates.
TYPECASTERTYPECASTER n. one who typecasts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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