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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, H and 3S

ACHINESSESACHINESS n. the state of having aches.
ARCHNESSESarchnesses n. Plural of archness.
ARCHNESS n. slyness.
CASHSPIELScashspiels n. Plural of cashspiel.
CASHSPIEL n. (Canadian) a bonspiel in which curlers compete for cash prizes.
CHAISELESSCHAISELESS adj. without a chaise.
CHAPPESSESchappesses n. Plural of chappess.
CHAPPESS n. a female chap, also CHAPESS.
CHASSEPOTSchassepots n. Plural of chassepot.
CHASSEPOT n. (French) a kind of breech-loading, center-fire rifle, or improved needle gun.
CHASTENESSchasteness n. The state of being chaste; chastity.
CHASTENESS n. the state of being chaste.
CHASTISERSchastisers n. Plural of chastiser.
CHASTISER n. one who chastises.
CHAUSSURESchaussures n. Plural of chaussure.
CHAUSSURE n. (French) a foot covering of any kind.
CROSSHEADScrossheads n. Plural of crosshead.
CROSSHEAD n. a beam connecting piston rod to connecting rod.
SCAITHLESSscaithless adj. (Scotland) scatheless; unharmed.
SCAITHLESS adj. (Scots) without injury, scatheless, also SCATHELESS, SKAITHLESS.
SCARFISHESSCARFISH n. a kind of fish, the parrot-wrasse.
SCATHELESSscatheless adj. Without scathe or harm; without mischief, injury, or damage; unharmed.
SCATHELESS adj. without injury, also SCAITHLESS, SKAITHLESS.
SCHNAPPSESschnappses n. Plural of schnapps.
SCHNAPPS n. (German) a kind of brandy, also SCHNAPS, SHNAPPS, SHNAPS.
SEARCHLESSsearchless adj. Impossible to be searched; inscrutable; impenetrable.
SEARCHLESS adj. impossible to be searched.
SENESCHALSseneschals n. Plural of seneschal.
SENESCHAL n. (historical) an agent or steward in charge of a lord's estate in feudal times.
SPACESHIPSspaceships n. Plural of spaceship.
space␣ships n. Plural of space ship.
SPACESHIP n. a spacecraft.
STANCHLESSstanchless adj. Incapable of being stanched or stopped.
stanchless adj. (Obsolete, figurative) Incapable of being satisfied.
STANCHLESS adj. (Shakespeare) that cannot be staunched.
STANCHNESSstanchness n. The quality or state of being stanch.
STANCHNESS n. the state of being stanch.
SUBCHASERSsubchasers n. Plural of subchaser.
SUBCHASER n. a small manoeuvrable craft used in antisubmarine warfare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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