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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, C, H, N, R, T and U

ANTICHURCHantichurch adj. Opposed to the church; against the Christian institution.
ANTICHURCH adj. opposed to the church.
CHAUNTRESSCHAUNTRESS n. a female chanter or singer, also CHANTRESS.
CHAUNTRIESchauntries n. Plural of chauntry.
CHAUNTRY n. a chapel or altar built for prayers for its benefactor's soul, also CHANTRY.
RAUNCHIESTraunchiest adj. Superlative form of raunchy: most raunchy.
RAUNCHY adj. coarsely or openly sexual.
STAUNCHERSstaunchers n. Plural of stauncher.
STAUNCHER n. something or someone that staunches.
SUBCHANTERsubchanter n. An underchanter; a precentor’s deputy in a cathedral; a succentor.
SUBCHANTER n. a precentor's deputy; an officer or lay member of a cathedral who assists in chanting the litany.
SUNCATCHERsuncatcher n. A small piece of reflective glass or nacre that is hung indoors at a window to "catch the light".
TURNBROACHturnbroach n. (Obsolete) A turnspit.
TURNBROACH n. a turnspit.
UNACTORISHunactorish adj. Not actorish.
UNACTORISH adj. not like an actor.
UNSTARCHEDunstarched adj. Not starched.
UNSTARCH v. to free from starch.
UNSTARCHESunstarches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unstarch.
UNSTARCH v. to free from starch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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