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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, C, 2N, O, S and U

ANNOUNCERSannouncers n. Plural of announcer.
ANNOUNCER n. one who announces.
ANONACEOUSanonaceous adj. Alternative form of annonaceous.
ANONACEOUS adj. pertaining to the order of plants including the soursop, custard apple, etc.
CONJUGANTSconjugants n. Plural of conjugant.
CONJUGANT n. one of a pair of cells undergoing conjugation.
CONNATURESconnatures n. Plural of connature.
CONNATURE n. participation in a common nature or character.
CONSENSUALconsensual adj. With permission, with consensus, without coercion; allowed without objecting or resisting.
consensual adj. (Law) existing, or made, by the mutual consent of two or more parties.
consensual adj. (Biology) excited or caused by sensation, sympathy, or reflex action, and not by conscious volition.
CONSULTANTconsultant n. A person or party that is consulted.
consultant n. A person whose occupation is to be consulted for their expertise, advice, service or help in an area…
consultant n. (Medicine, UK, Ireland) A senior hospital-based physician or surgeon who has completed all specialist…
CONVULSANTconvulsant adj. Causing or producing convulsions; convulsive.
convulsant n. Anything, such as a drug, that causes convulsions.
CONVULSANT n. an agent, esp. a drug, that causes convulsions.
INCAUTIONSincautions n. Plural of incaution.
INCAUTION n. want of caution.
INOCULANTSinoculants n. Plural of inoculant.
INOCULANT n. any material used in inoculation, also INOCULUM.
INSOUCIANTinsouciant adj. Casually unconcerned; carefree, indifferent, nonchalant.
INSOUCIANT adj. lighthearted and unconcerned.
NOCTURNALSnocturnals n. Plural of nocturnal.
NOCTURNAL n. a nocturnal creature.
NONMUSICALnonmusical adj. Not musical; unrelated to music.
nonmusical n. A production that is not a musical.
NONMUSICAL adj. not musical.
PENNACEOUSpennaceous adj. (Ornithology) having the structure of a normal feather.
PENNACEOUS adj. feather-like.
UNCANDOURSUNCANDOUR n. a lack of candour, also UNCANDOR.
UNCANONISEuncanonise v. Alternative form of uncanonize.
UNCANONISE v. to deprive of canonical authority, also UNCANONIZE.
UNCOATINGSUNCOATING n. the action of releasing viral nucleic acid from a virus or exposing the interior of a virus enough to facilitate replication by stripping away the outer layers of the viral coat.
UNCONGEALSuncongeals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncongeal.
UNCONGEAL v. to thaw; to become liquid again.
UNCONSTANTunconstant adj. Inconstant.
UNCONSTANT adj. (Shakespeare) inconstant, also INCONSTANT.
UNDECAGONSundecagons n. Plural of undecagon.
UNDECAGON n. a polygon having eleven sides.
UNISONANCEunisonance n. Accordance of sounds; unison.
UNISONANCE n. accordance of sounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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