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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing A, C, N, 3S and T

ANCESTRESSancestress n. A female ancestor.
ANCESTRESS n. a female ancestor.
ASSISTANCEassistance n. Aid; help; the act or result of assisting.
ASSISTANCE n. the act of assisting or the help supplied.
CASKSTANDSCASKSTAND n. a stand for casks.
CASSATIONScassations n. Plural of cassation.
CASSATION n. annulment; in French law, the quashing of a decision of a court.
CESSATIONScessations n. Plural of cessation.
CESSATION n. a ceasing or stopping.
CHASTENESSchasteness n. The state of being chaste; chastity.
CHASTENESS n. the state of being chaste.
CROISSANTScroissants n. Plural of croissant.
CROISSANT n. (French) a crescent-shaped roll.
DISCUSSANTdiscussant n. Someone involved in a discussion, especially a participant in a formal discussion or who has been assigned…
DISCUSSANT n. one who takes part in a formal symposium.
NARCISSISTnarcissist n. (Psychology) One who shows extreme love and admiration for themselves.
narcissist n. (Colloquial) An egoist; a person full of egoism and pride.
NARCISSIST n. one given to narcism, excessive love of oneself, also NARCIST.
SACRISTANSsacristans n. Plural of sacristan.
SACRISTAN n. a Church official in charge of vessels and the sacristy, also SACRIST.
SCANTINESSscantiness n. (Uncountable) The quality of being scanty.
scantiness n. (Countable) The result or product of being scanty.
SCANTINESS n. the state of being scanty.
SCATTINESSscattiness n. The quality of being scatty.
SCATTINESS n. the state of being scatty.
SCENARISTSscenarists n. Plural of scenarist.
SCENARIST n. one who makes scenarios.
STANCHLESSstanchless adj. Incapable of being stanched or stopped.
stanchless adj. (Obsolete, figurative) Incapable of being satisfied.
STANCHLESS adj. (Shakespeare) that cannot be staunched.
STANCHNESSstanchness n. The quality or state of being stanch.
STANCHNESS n. the state of being stanch.
STONECASTSstonecasts n. Plural of stonecast.
STONECAST n. the throw of a stone.
SUBSTANCESsubstances n. Plural of substance.
SUBSTANCE n. something in which qualities or attributes exist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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