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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, D, I, L, 2O and T

BALDICOOTSbaldicoots n. Plural of baldicoot.
BALDICOOT n. the coot, from its white frontal shield.
BLOODSTAINbloodstain n. A spot or area that has been discolored by having absorbed blood.
BLOODSTAIN n. a discoloration caused by blood.
BOTRYOIDALbotryoidal adj. (Chiefly mineralogy) Having the form of a bunch of grapes.
BOTRYOIDAL adj. of minerals, occurring in grape-shaped masses, also BOTRYOID, BOTRYOSE.
COTYLOIDALCOTYLOIDAL n. a small bone forming part of the acetabular cavity in some mammals, also COTYLOID.
DEFOLIATORdefoliator n. Something or someone that defoliates.
DEFOLIATOR n. a defoliating agent.
DESOLATIONdesolation n. The act of desolating or laying waste; destruction of inhabitants; depopulation.
desolation n. The state of being desolated or laid waste.
desolation n. A place or country wasted and forsaken.
DEVOTIONALdevotional n. A brief religious service.
devotional n. A text or piece of music or writing to be used for devotion.
devotional adj. (Usually religious) Of or pertaining to devotion or worship.
IDOLATROUSidolatrous adj. Partaking in idolatry; worshipping idols or false gods.
idolatrous adj. Engaging in excessive attachment or reverence; inordinately or profanely devoted.
idolatrous adj. Used in or designed for idolatry; devoted to idols or idol-worship.
IDOLOCLASTidoloclast n. A breaker of idols; an iconoclast.
IDOLOCLAST n. a breaker of idols; an iconoclast.
ISODONTALSISODONTAL n. an isodontal animal, also ISODONT.
MODULATIONmodulation n. (Physics) The process of applying a signal to a carrier.
modulation n. The variation and regulation of a population, physiological response, etc.
modulation n. (Music) A change in key.
NODULATIONnodulation n. The presence of nodules.
nodulation n. The process that forms nodules.
NODULATION n. the state of having nodules.
OCTAPLOIDSoctaploids n. Plural of octaploid.
OCTAPLOID n. a cell, organism or form with eight sets of chromosomes, also OCTOPLOID.
OCTAPLOIDYoctaploidy n. Alternative form of octoploidy.
OCTAPLOIDY n. the condition of being octaploid, eightfold.
ODONTALGIAodontalgia n. (Medicine) toothache.
ODONTALGIA n. toothache, also ODONTALGY.
ODONTALGICodontalgic adj. Of or pertaining to odontalgia.
odontalgic n. A toothache remedy.
ODONTALGIC adj. of or pertaining to odontalgia, toothache.
OESTRADIOLoestradiol n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of estradiol.
OESTRADIOL n. a natural oestrogen also synthesised for use in cancer treatment.
STYLOPODIAstylopodia n. Plural of stylopodium.
STYLOPODIUM n. an enlargement at the end of the style base of certain flowers.
TOROIDALLYtoroidally adv. In a toroidal manner.
toroidally adv. So as to form a toroid.
TOROIDAL adv. like a toroid, shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring.
TROCHOIDALtrochoidal adj. Of, pertaining to, or shaped like a trochoid.
TROCHOIDAL adj. of or pertaining to a trochoid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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