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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, D, M, O, S, T and U

ACCUSTOMEDaccustomed adj. (Of a person) Familiar with something through repeated experience; adapted to existing conditions.
accustomed adj. (Of a thing, condition, activity, etc.) Familiar through use; usual; customary.
accustomed adj. (Obsolete) Frequented by customers.
AUTODROMESautodromes n. Plural of autodrome.
AUTODROME n. a track or circuit for racing cars, go-karts, etc.
COMATULIDScomatulids n. Plural of comatulid.
COMATULID n. a type of crinoid, aka feather star, also COMATULA.
DEUTOPLASMdeutoplasm n. (Biology) The lifeless food matter in the cytoplasm of an ovum or a cell, as distinguished from the…
DEUTOPLASM n. the food material, such as yolk or fat, within an egg or cell.
MODULATORSmodulators n. Plural of modulator.
MODULATOR n. a person who, or that which, modulates.
MOUSTACHEDmoustached adj. Having a moustache.
MOUSTACHED adj. having a moustache.
OEDEMATOUSoedematous adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of edematous.
œdematous adj. Obsolete spelling of edematous.
OEDEMATOUS adj. pertaining to, or of the nature of, oedema, also EDEMATOSE, EDEMATOUS, OEDEMATOSE.
OUTSMARTEDoutsmarted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsmart.
OUTSMART v. to outwit.
STOMODAEUMstomodaeum n. Alternative spelling of stomodeum.
stomodæum n. Obsolete form of stomodeum.
STOMODAEUM n. in embryology, the invagination that forms the anterior part of the digestive tract, also STOMODEUM.
SUDATORIUMsudatorium n. A hot room used to induce sweating, steam room, steam bath, sauna.
SUDATORIUM n. (Latin) a sweat room in a bath.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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