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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, D, N, O, R, S and Y

ANDROGYNESandrogynes n. Plural of androgyne.
ANDROGYNE n. a hermaphrodite; an effeminate man; a masculine woman.
ARYTENOIDSarytenoids n. Plural of arytenoid.
ARYTENOID n. one of a pair of cartilages or muscles of the larynx, also ARYTAENOID.
DISHARMONYdisharmony n. The absence of harmony or concordance.
DISHARMONY n. lack of harmony.
DYNAMOTORSdynamotors n. Plural of dynamotor.
DYNAMOTOR n. a kind of electrical machine.
GRAYHOUNDSgrayhounds n. Plural of grayhound.
GRAYHOUND n. a tall slender fast-moving dog of an ancient breed originally used for coursing, also GREYHOUND.
GYNANDROUSgynandrous adj. (Botany) Having stamens and pistils together in a column.
gynandrous adj. (Philosophy) Exhibiting characteristics of both feminine and masculine. Denotational synonym and connotational…
GYNANDROUS adj. with stamen concrescent with the carpel, as in orchids.
HANDYWORKShandyworks n. Plural of handywork.
HANDYWORK n. work done by the hands or by direct personal agency, also HANDIWORK, HANDWORK.
HORNYHEADShornyheads n. Plural of hornyhead.
HORNYHEAD n. a North American river chub.
HYDRATIONShydrations n. Plural of hydration.
HYDRATION n. the act of combining with water.
HYDRONAUTShydronauts n. Plural of hydronaut.
HYDRONAUT n. a person trained to work in an underwater vessel.
HYDROVANEShydrovanes n. Plural of hydrovane.
HYDROVANE n. a hydrofoil.
HYDROZOANShydrozoans n. Plural of hydrozoan.
HYDROZOAN n. any coelenterate of the class Hydrozoa, comprising organisms that are mostly marine and colonial with polyp and medusoid stages in the life cycle, also HYDROZOON.
PYRAMIDONSpyramidons n. Plural of pyramidon.
PYRAMIDON n. an organ-stop with pipes like inverted pyramids.
PYRANOSIDEpyranoside n. (Biochemistry) Any glycoside of a pyranose.
PYRANOSIDE n. a glycoside containing the pyran ring.
REASONEDLYREASONED adv. REASON, to deduct inferences from premises.
ROUNDELAYSroundelays n. Plural of roundelay.
ROUNDELAY n. a song with a refrain.
SARDONYXESsardonyxes n. Plural of sardonyx.
SARDONYX n. (Greek) an onyx with alternate layers of sard and other mineral.
SYNANDROUSsynandrous adj. (Botany) Having stamen fused along both their filaments and anthers.
synandrous adj. (Botany, rare) Having stamens fused together in any way.
SYNANDROUS adj. having united stamens.
SYNDICATORsyndicator n. One who, or that which, syndicates.
SYNDICATOR n. one who syndicates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 75 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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