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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, G, M, P and S

EMPENNAGESempennages n. Plural of empennage.
EMPENNAGE n. (French) the tail assembly of an airplane.
MEGALOPSESmegalopses n. Plural of megalops.
MEGALOPS n. a larval stage of most crabs.
MEGAPARSECmegaparsec n. (Astronomy) A unit of distance equal to a million parsecs.
MEGAPARSEC n. a measure of astronomical distance, a million parsecs.
MEGAPHONESmegaphones n. Plural of megaphone.
megaphones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of megaphone.
MEGAPHONE v. to magnify sound.
MEGAPIXELSmegapixels n. Plural of megapixel.
MEGAPIXEL n. one million pixels.
MEGAPLEXESmegaplexes n. Plural of megaplex.
MEGAPLEX n. a large building having many movie theaters.
MEGASCOPESmegascopes n. Plural of megascope.
MEGASCOPE n. an instrument for projecting an enlarged image.
MEGASPORESmegaspores n. Plural of megaspore.
MEGASPORE n. the larger of the two types of spore produced by some ferns, which develops into the female gametophyte.
PEGMATITESpegmatites n. Plural of pegmatite.
PEGMATITE n. a coarsely crystallized rock commonly occurring in igneous intrusions, esp. dykes, and consisting mainly of feldspar and quartz.
PESHMERGASpeshmergas n. Plural of peshmerga.
PESHMERGA n. the military forces of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan.
PLAGUESOMEplaguesome adj. That is a plague.
PLAGUESOME adj. (colloquial) troublesome, annoying.
PLASMAGENEplasmagene n. (Genetics) A gene located in granules of the cytoplasm of a cell.
PLASMAGENE n. a self-reproducing structure like the mitochondria.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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