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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 13 ten-letter words containing A, 2E, O and 3T

ATTOMETERSattometers n. Plural of attometer.
ATTOMETER n. ten to the power of minus eighteen metres, also ATTOMETRE.
ATTOMETRESattometres n. Plural of attometre.
ATTOMETRE n. ten to the power of minus eighteen metres, also ATTOMETER.
COATTESTEDcoattested v. Simple past tense and past participle of coattest.
COATTEST v. to attest jointly.
MATELOTTESMATELOTTE n. (French) a kind of rich fish stew, also MATELOTE.
PETROSTATEpetrostate n. A state whose wealth stems from the sale of oil.
PETROSTATE n. a small oil-rich country in which institutions are weak and wealth and power are concentrated in the hands of the few.
POTENTATESpotentates n. Plural of potentate.
POTENTATE n. a powerful ruler; a monarch.
POTENTIATEpotentiate v. (Transitive) To endow with power.
potentiate v. (Transitive) To enhance.
potentiate v. (Transitive) To increase the potency (of a drug or biochemical agent).
TAPOTEMENTtapotement n. (Massage) A form of massage involving hitting the body with various parts of one’s hand.
TAPOTEMENT n. (French) the use of light taps in massage.
TEETOTALEDTEETOTAL v. to practise or advocate teetotalism.
TEETOTALERteetotaler n. (American spelling) A person who completely abstains from alcoholic beverages.
TEETOTALER n. one who does not drink alcohol, also TEETOTALIST, TEETOTALLER.
TEETOTALLYteetotally adv. Very completely, very totally.
TEETOTAL adv. abstaining from alcohol.
TETRAPTOTEtetraptote n. (Grammar) A noun that has four cases.
TETRAPTOTE n. a noun that has four grammatical cases only.
TYPOTHETAEtypothetae n. (Obsolete) printers.
TYPOTHETAE n. printers collectively; used in the names of organized associations, as of master printers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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