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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 9 ten-letter words containing A, E, G, 3N and O

COANNEXINGCOANNEX v. to annex jointly.
ENNEAGONALenneagonal adj. (Geometry) In the form of an enneagon; having nine angles.
ENNEAGONAL adj. belonging to an enneagon; having nine angles.
MONOGENEANmonogenean n. Any of the many trematode flatworms of the class Monogenea, mostly ectoparasites on fish.
MONOGENEAN n. a monogenetic trematode, a kind of parasitic flatworm.
NONALIGNEDnonaligned adj. Not allied with any particular nation, or to any side in a dispute.
nonaligned adj. Neutral, impartial.
non-aligned adj. Alternative spelling of nonaligned.
NONBEARINGnonbearing adj. Not bearing (Fruit, a load, etc.).
NONBEARING adj. not taking a load.
NONEARNINGnonearning adj. Not earning.
NONEARNING adj. not earning.
NONGENITALnongenital adj. Not genital.
NONGENITAL adj. not genital.
NONREADINGnonreading adj. Not reading.
nonreading n. The act of not reading.
NONREADING n. an inability or disinclination to read.
NONVINTAGEnonvintage adj. Not vintage: recent.
nonvintage adj. (Wine) Not a vintage wine: not made from grapes harvested during a single year.
nonvintage n. A wine that is not a vintage wine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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