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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, E, 2I, 2R and V

ARRIVISMESARRIVISME n. (French) the state of being an arriviste, an upstart.
ARRIVISTESarrivistes n. Plural of arriviste.
ARRIVISTE n. (French) one that is a new and uncertain arrival (as in social position or artistic endeavor).
BREVIARIESbreviaries n. Plural of breviary.
BREVIARY n. a prayer book.
DRIVETRAINdrivetrain n. (Mechanical engineering) The mechanical parts of the powertrain, the gears and shafts, that connect…
drive␣train n. Alternative form of drivetrain.
DRIVETRAIN n. the parts that connect the transmission with the driving axles of an automobile, also DRIVELINE.
IRRELATIVEirrelative adj. Having no relations to each other; unrelated.
irrelative adj. Not related to the subject at hand; irrelevant.
irrelative adj. (Music) Describing two or more chords which do not share any notes in common.
IRRIGATIVEirrigative adj. Relating to irrigation.
IRRIGATIVE adj. relating to irrigation.
IRRITATIVEirritative adj. Serving to excite or irritate.
irritative adj. Accompanied with, or produced by, increased action or irritation.
irritative n. Any substance causing irritation; an irritant.
PRIVATISERprivatiser n. Alternative spelling of privatizer.
PRIVATISER n. one who transfers to private ownership, denationalises, also PRIVATIZER.
PRIVATIZERprivatizer n. One who, or that which, privatizes.
PRIVATIZER n. one who transfers to private ownership, denationalises, also PRIVATISER.
VARNISHIERVARNISHY adj. like varnish.
VINEGARIERVINEGARY adj. tasting of vinegar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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