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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, E, I, K, O, R and S

AEROSPIKESaerospikes n. Plural of aerospike.
AEROSPIKE n. a rocket engine with a specially designed nozzle that allows the exhaust gases to expand and so to be used most efficiently.
ANTISMOKERantismoker n. One who opposes smoking, particularly the smoking of tobacco.
ANTISMOKER n. someone opposed to smoking.
ARTICHOKESartichokes n. Plural of artichoke.
ARTICHOKE n. a thistle-like perennial plant with large fleshy scaly head and bracts and edible receptacle.
BIOHACKERSbiohackers n. Plural of biohacker.
BIOHACKER n. one who engages in biohacking.
BIOMARKERSbiomarkers n. Plural of biomarker.
BIOMARKER n. anything that might indicate the presence of a disease or pathological condition.
CROAKINESScroakiness n. The quality of being croaky.
CROAKINESS n. the state of being croaky.
HASSOCKIERHASSOCKY adj. soft and cushiony.
KAIROMONESkairomones n. Plural of kairomone.
KAIROMONE n. a semiochemical, emitted by an organism, which mediates interspecific interactions in a way that benefits an individual of another species which receives it, without benefiting the emitter.
KAISERDOMSkaiserdoms n. Plural of kaiserdom.
KAISERDOM n. the office of kaiser.
KERATINOUSkeratinous adj. Consisting of, or made from keratin.
KERATINOUS adj. like keratin, horny.
KETONURIASketonurias n. Plural of ketonuria.
KETONURIA n. an excess of ketones in the urine.
KILOPARSECkiloparsec n. (Astronomy) A unit of distance equal to one thousand parsecs.
KILOPARSEC n. a unit of astronomical distance, 1000 parsecs.
KITEBOARDSkiteboards n. Plural of kiteboard.
KITEBOARD n. a board similar to a windsurfing board, towed by a kite.
KOHLRABIESkohlrabies n. Plural of kohlrabi.
KOHLRABI n. (German) a variety of cabbage.
KREASOTINGkreasoting v. Present participle of kreasote.
KREASOTE v. to treat with a wood preservative, also CREOSOTE, KREOSOTE.
NOISEMAKERnoisemaker n. A person or device that produces a great deal of noise, especially one used in a celebration or sporting event.
noisemaker n. A device comprising a handle with a ratchet at one end, with the ratchet end contained within a box…
NOISEMAKER n. a device for making a loud noise at a football match, festivity etc.
PEROVSKIASperovskias n. Plural of perovskia.
PEROVSKIA n. a genus of hardy deciduous shrubs of the Labiatae family.
PRESOAKINGpresoaking v. Present participle of presoak.
presoaking n. The soaking of something in advance.
PRESOAK v. to soak beforehand.
SAILORLIKEsailorlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a sailor.
SAILORLIKE adj. like a sailor.
UROKINASESurokinases n. Plural of urokinase.
UROKINASE n. a drug that dissolves intravascular blood clots.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 91 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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