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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing A, F, G, I, N, O and S

AGFLATIONSAGFLATION n. an economic situation in which increased demand causes an increase in the price of food products, and a potential rise in general inflation.
AUSFORMINGausforming v. Present participle of ausform.
AUSFORMING n. the act of deforming, quenching, and tempering a metal.
DRAGONFISHdragonfish n. Any of several long, slender fishes, of the family Stomiidae, that have a luminous barbel used to attract prey.
FACTORINGSfactorings n. Plural of factoring.
FACTORING n. the act of factoring.
FAGGOTINGSFAGGOTING n. a kind of embroidery in which some of the cross-threads are drawn together in the middle, also FAGOTING.
FARROWINGSfarrowings n. Plural of farrowing.
FARROWING n. the act of giving birth to piglets.
FASHIONINGfashioning v. Present participle of fashion.
fashioning n. The act or process of fashioning something; manufacture.
FASHION v. to give a particular shape or form to.
FLAMINGOESflamingoes n. Plural of flamingo.
FLAMINGO n. a long-legged tropical bird.
FLAVORINGSflavorings n. Plural of flavoring.
FLAVORING n. something that adds flavor.
FOCALISINGfocalising v. Present participle of focalise.
FOCALISE v. to focus, also FOCALIZE.
FORESAYINGforesaying v. Present participle of foresay.
FORESAY v. to foretell.
FORSAKINGSforsakings n. Plural of forsaking.
FORSAKING n. abandonment.
FORWASTINGforwasting v. Present participle of forwaste.
FORWASTE v. (Spenser) to waste completely.
FRIGATOONSfrigatoons n. Plural of frigatoon.
FRIGATOON n. a small Venetian vessel with a square stern and two masts.
MAGNIFICOSmagnificos n. Plural of magnifico.
MAGNIFICO n. (Italian) a person of high rank or position, originally the chief magistrate at Venice.
OUTFASTINGoutfasting v. Present participle of outfast.
OUTFAST v. to surpass in fasting.
SANGFROIDSsangfroids n. Plural of sangfroid.
SANGFROID n. (French) self-possession or imperturbability esp. under strain.
VOUTSAFINGvoutsafing v. Present participle of voutsafe.
VOUTSAFE v. (Milton) to vouchsafe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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