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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing A, G, M, N, O, P and S

ANGIOSPERMangiosperm n. (Botany) Any plant of the clade Angiosperms, characterized by having ovules enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant.
ANGIOSPERM n. a plant of the Angiospermae, one of the main divisions of flowering plants, in which the seeds are in a closed ovary, not naked as in gymnosperms.
COMPASSINGcompassing v. Present participle of compass.
compassing adj. (Shipbuilding) curved; bent.
compassing n. (Dated) The forming of plots or schemes; machination.
MEGAPHONESmegaphones n. Plural of megaphone.
megaphones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of megaphone.
MEGAPHONE v. to magnify sound.
MONOGRAPHSmonographs n. Plural of monograph.
MONOGRAPH v. to write a monograph.
NEPHOGRAMSnephograms n. Plural of nephogram.
NEPHOGRAM n. a photograph of clouds.
NOMOGRAPHSnomographs n. Plural of nomograph.
NOMOGRAPH n. a chart or diagram of scaled lines or curves used to assist in mathematical calculations, also NOMOGRAM.
PANLOGISMSPANLOGISM n. the theory that the Universe is an outward manifestation of the Logos.
PHAENOGAMSphaenogams n. Plural of phaenogam.
PHAENOGAM n. (Greek) any plant of the class Phaenogamia, flowering plants, also PHENOGAM.
PHONOGRAMSphonograms n. Plural of phonogram.
PHONOGRAM n. a letter, character, or mark used to represent a particular sound.
PIGMENTOSAPIGMENTOSA n. as in retinite pigmentosa, a genetic eye condition.
PLANOGRAMSplanograms n. Plural of planogram.
PLANOGRAM n. a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales.
POSTMATINGpostmating adj. (Biology) After mating.
POSTMATING adj. that takes place after mating.
SHAMPOOINGshampooing v. Present participle of shampoo.
shampooing n. The act of cleaning something with shampoo.
SHAMPOO v. to wash with a liquid soap.
SIPHONOGAMSIPHONOGAM n. a plant reproducing by seed.
SPHENOGRAMsphenogram n. A cuneiform character.
SPHENOGRAM n. a cuneiform character.
SPORANGIUMsporangium n. (Botany, mycology) A case, capsule, or container in which spores are produced by an organism.
SPORANGIUM n. a chamber inside of which spores are produced through meiosis.
TAMPONAGEStamponages n. Plural of tamponage.
TAMPONAGE n. the surgical use of a tampon, also TAMPONADE.
TOPMAKINGSTOPMAKING n. the making of toy tops.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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