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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing A, 3I, L and 2T

LATINITIESLatinities n. Plural of Latinity.
LATINITY n. a manner of writing or speaking Latin.
LATTICINIOlatticinio n. A variety of white glass threads or canes, used to make decorative articles.
LATTICINIO n. (Italian) a type of Venetian glassware containing decorative threads of milk-white glass, also LATTICINO.
LIMITATIONlimitation n. The act of limiting or the state of being limited.
limitation n. A restriction; a boundary, real or metaphorical, caused by some thing or some circumstance.
limitation n. An imperfection or shortcoming that limits something’s use or value.
LIMITATIVElimitative adj. Restrictive, limited.
limitative adj. (Grammar) Being or relating to a grammatical case that specifies a deadline, a time by which something…
LIMITATIVE adj. tending to limit.
LITIGATINGlitigating v. Present participle of litigate.
LITIGATE v. to subject to legal proceedings.
LITIGATIONlitigation n. (Law) The conduct of a lawsuit.
LITIGATION n. the act of litigating.
MILITARISTmilitarist n. One who believes in the use of military force.
MILITARIST n. a military man.
MILITATINGmilitating v. Present participle of militate.
MILITATE v. to have influence.
MILITATIONmilitation n. (Now rare) Conflict, struggle.
MILITATION n. the act of militating.
TRIALITIEStrialities n. Plural of triality.
TRIALITY n. the body, soul and spirit in man.
TRIVIALISTtrivialist n. (Logic) A proponent of trivialism, the metaphysical and logical theory that all propositions are true.
trivialist n. (Rare) One who is interested in trivia or trivialities; one who is familiar with the small details of…
TRIVIALIST n. a maker of trivial remarks etc.
TRIVIALITYtriviality n. The quality of being trivial or unimportant.
triviality n. Something which is trivial or unimportant.
TRIVIALITY n. the state of being trivia.
VITALISTICvitalistic adj. Of or pertaining to vitalism.
VITALISTIC adj. pertaining to vitalism.
VITALITIESvitalities n. Plural of vitality.
VITALITY n. exuberant physical strength or mental vigor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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