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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, I, N, O and 3T

ALTITONANTaltitonant adj. Thundering loudly from high above.
altitonant n. Something or someone that thunders loudly from on high.
ALTITONANT adj. thundering on high or loudly.
ATTENTIONSattentions n. Plural of attention.
ATTENTION n. the act of attending.
ATTRACTIONattraction n. The tendency to attract.
attraction n. The feeling of being attracted.
attraction n. (Countable) An event, location, or business that has a tendency to draw interest from visitors, and…
ATTRITIONSattritions n. Plural of attrition.
attritions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of attrition.
ATTRITION n. a wearing away.
ATTUITIONSattuitions n. Plural of attuition.
ATTUITION n. a mental operation intermediate between sensation and perception.
COTTONTAILcottontail n. A rabbit of any of various species in genus Sylvilagus.
cottontail n. (Nudism) A person with a tanned body and untanned buttocks, resembling a cottontail rabbit’s dark fur…
COTTONTAIL n. any of several species of rabbits of the genus Sylvilagus, the ordinary rabbit of the US.
GUTTATIONSguttations n. Plural of guttation.
GUTTATION n. the release of drops of moisture.
LATITATIONlatitation n. (Obsolete) A lying in concealment; hiding.
LATITATION n. a lying in concealment.
OUTPATIENToutpatient n. (Healthcare) A patient who receives treatment at a hospital or clinic but is not admitted overnight;…
outpatient adj. (Healthcare) Provided without requiring an overnight stay by the patient.
out-patient n. Alternative spelling of outpatient.
OUTSTATINGOUTSTATE v. to surpass in stating.
OUTSTATIONoutstation n. A station or post in a remote position; an outpost.
outstation adj. (India, Malaysia, Singapore) Out of town.
outstation adv. (India, Malaysia, Singapore) Out of town.
POTENTIATEpotentiate v. (Transitive) To endow with power.
potentiate v. (Transitive) To enhance.
potentiate v. (Transitive) To increase the potency (of a drug or biochemical agent).
TEMPTATIONtemptation n. The act of tempting.
temptation n. The condition of being tempted.
temptation n. Something attractive, tempting or seductive; an inducement or enticement.
TENTATIONStentations n. Plural of tentation.
TENTATION n. experiment by trial and error.
TESTATIONSTESTATION n. a witnessing or witness.
TITIVATIONtitivation n. Act of titivating.
TITIVATION n. (slang) smartening up, also TIDIVATION, TITTIVATION.
TITRATIONStitrations n. Plural of titration.
TITRATION n. the addition of a solution from a graduated vessel to a known volume of a second solution until the chemical reaction is just completed.
TITUBATIONtitubation n. The act of stumbling, rocking, or rolling; a reeling.
TITUBATION n. a nervous condition marked by staggering.
TOMCATTINGtomcatting v. Present participle of tomcat.
TOMCATTING n. engaging in sexually promiscuous behaviour.
TRITIATIONtritiation n. (Chemistry) The process, or the result of tritiating.
TRITIATION n. the act of tritiating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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