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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing 2A, 2C, H, P and R

ACHAENOCARPachaenocarp n. Any dry indehiscent fruit.
ACHAENOCARP n. any dry indehiscent fruit.
ARCHEPARCHSarcheparchs n. Plural of archeparch.
CACOGRAPHERcacographer n. A person who exhibits the traits of bad spelling or bad handwriting or both.
CACOGRAPHER n. a bad writer or speller.
CACOGRAPHICcacographic adj. Displaying the properties of bad spelling or bad handwriting or both.
CACOGRAPHIC adj. relating to cacography, bad handwriting or spelling, also CACOGRAPHICAL.
CATAPHRACTScataphracts n. Plural of cataphract.
CATAPHRACT n. a suit of mail; a soldier in full armour.
CATCHPHRASEcatchphrase n. A repeated expression, often originating in popular culture.
catchphrase n. A signature phrase of a particular person or group.
catch-phrase n. Alternative spelling of catchphrase.
MACROPHAGICmacrophagic adj. Of or pertaining to macrophages.
MACROPHAGIC adj. of or like a macrophage.
PARAPSYCHICparapsychic adj. Parapsychological.
parapsychic n. A person with a paranormal psychic ability, such as telepathy or telekinesis.
PARAPSYCHIC adj. related to parapsychism, also PARAPSYCHICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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