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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2A, C, D, L, M and O

AEROMEDICALaeromedical adj. Of or pertaining to aeromedicine.
AEROMEDICAL adj. of or relating to aeromedicine.
CALAMONDINScalamondins n. Plural of calamondin.
CALAMONDIN n. (Tagalog) a small citrus tree, native to the Philippines; its acid-tasting orange-like fruit.
CAMELEOPARDcameleopard n. Alternative spelling of camelopard.
CAMELEOPARD n. (obsolete) a giraffe, also CAMELOPARD.
CAMELOPARDScamelopards n. Plural of camelopard.
CAMELOPARD n. (obsolete) a giraffe, also CAMELEOPARD.
CAMOUFLAGEDcamouflaged adj. Wearing, in, or treated with, camouflage; disguised.
camouflaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of camouflage.
CAMOUFLAGE v. to conceal or disguise by camouflage.
COMMANDABLEcommandable adj. Capable of being commanded.
COMMANDABLE adj. able to be commanded.
CONDYLOMATAcondylomata n. Plural of condyloma.
CONDYLOMA n. a wartlike growth in private parts.
DACTYLOGRAMdactylogram n. A fingerprint.
DACTYLOGRAM n. a fingerprint.
DECLAMATIONdeclamation n. The act or art of declaiming; rhetorical delivery; loud speaking in public.
declamation n. A set or harangue; declamatory discourse.
declamation n. Pretentious rhetorical display, with more sound than sense.
DECLAMATORYdeclamatory adj. Having the quality of a declamation.
declamatory adj. Pretentiously lofty in style; bombastic.
DECLAMATORY adj. in the manner of a declamation.
DEMAGOGICALdemagogical adj. Demagogic.
DEMAGOGICAL adj. of or like a demagogue, also DEMAGOGIC.
IDIOMATICALidiomatical adj. Idiomatic.
IDIOMATICAL adj. peculiar to or of the nature of an idiom, also IDIOMATIC.
MACRODACTYLmacrodactyl n. One of a group of wading birds (Macrodactyli) having very long toes.
MACRODACTYL n. one of a group of wading birds.
MONADICALLYmonadically adv. In a monadic manner; as a monad or by means of monads.
MONADICAL adv. of, pertaining to, or like, a monad, in any of its senses, also MONADIC.
NEMATOCIDALnematocidal adj. Acting as a nematocide; fatal to nematodes.
NEMATOCIDAL adj. relating to a nematocide, a substance used to kill nematodes.
NOMADICALLYnomadically adv. In a nomadic way.
NOMADIC adv. like a nomad.
PSALMODICALpsalmodical adj. Alternative form of psalmodic.
PSALMODICAL adj. relating to a psalmody, also PSALMODIC.
SPASMODICALspasmodical adj. Alternative form of spasmodic.
SPASMODICAL adj. relating to, or occurring in, spasms, also SPASMODIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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