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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2A, C, R, S, T and V

ABSTRACTIVEabstractive adj. Having an abstracting nature or tendency; tending to separate; tending to be withdrawn.
abstractive adj. Derived by abstraction; belonging to abstraction.
ABSTRACTIVE adj. able or tending to abstract.
ACERVATIONSacervations n. Plural of acervation.
ACERVATION n. the action of heaping up; an accumulation.
ARCHITRAVESarchitraves n. Plural of architrave.
ARCHITRAVE n. the collective name for the various parts, jambs, lintels, etc., that surround a door or window.
CALAVERITEScalaverites n. Plural of calaverite.
CALAVERITE n. a metallic pale yellow mineral consisting of a telluride of gold in the form of elongated striated crystals.
CAPTIVATORScaptivators n. Plural of captivator.
CAPTIVATOR n. one who captivates.
COACERVATEScoacervates n. Plural of coacervate.
COACERVATE v. to heap; to cause to mass together.
DIVARICATESdivaricates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of divaricate.
DIVARICATE v. to fork, diverge.
REACTIVATESreactivates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reactivate.
REACTIVATE v. to activate again.
STAVESACRESstavesacres n. Plural of stavesacre.
STAVESACRE n. a tall larkspur whose seeds were formerly used against lice.
VACATIONERSvacationers n. Plural of vacationer.
VACATIONER n. one who takes a vacation, also VACATIONIST.
VACCINATORSvaccinators n. Plural of vaccinator.
VACCINATOR n. one who vaccinates.
VACILLATORSvacillators n. Plural of vacillator.
VACILLATOR n. one who vacillates.
VASCULARITYvascularity n. Vascular condition; vasculature.
vascularity n. (Bodybuilding): The degree to which the veins in a body part are visible.
VASCULARITY n. the state of being vascular.
VASCULATUREvasculature n. (Anatomy) The arrangement of blood vessels in the body, or within an organ.
VASCULATURE n. the arrangement of blood vessels.
VICTORIANASVICTORIANA n. bricabrac and other characteristic possessions or creations of the Victorian age.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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