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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2A, D, E, 2L and O

ALLANTOIDESallantoides n. Plural of allantois.
ALLANTOID n. a saclike fetal membrane developing into umbilical cord and forming part of the placenta, also ALLANTOIS.
ALLOGRAFTEDallografted adj. Grafted as an allograft.
ALLOGRAFT v. to make a surgical graft from a nonidentical donor.
ANECDOTALLYanecdotally adv. In an anecdotal manner; by means of a recounted incident.
ANECDOTAL adv. relating to anecdote, also ANECDOTIC.
AUTODIALLEDautodialled v. Simple past tense of autodial.
AUTODIAL v. to dial a telephone number automatically.
BELLADONNASbelladonnas n. Plural of belladonna.
BELLADONNA n. (Italian) a herbaceous plant, very poisonous, with reddish bell-shaped flowers and shining black berries.
DECAGONALLYdecagonally adv. In a decagonal manner.
DECAGONAL adv. of a plane figure, having ten sides.
HOLLANDAISEhollandaise n. Hollandaise sauce.
HOLLANDAISE n. (French) a sauce made with butter, egg-yolks, vinegar or white wine, and lemon juice, usually served with fish.
LABIODENTALlabiodental adj. (Phonetics) articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth.
labiodental n. (Phonetics) A speech sound articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth.
LABIODENTAL adj. pertaining to or pronounced with lips and teeth.
LABRADOODLElabradoodle n. Alternative letter-case form of Labradoodle.
Labradoodle n. A dog that is a cross between a Labrador and a poodle.
LABRADOODLE n. a breed of dog.
LANCEOLATEDlanceolated adj. Alternative form of lanceolate.
LANCEOLATED adj. shaped like a lance-head, also LANCEOLATE.
LOGODAEDALYlogodaedaly n. (Rare) Skill or cleverness in the coining of new words.
logodaedaly n. (Quite rare) A skillfully or cleverly coined new word.
LOGODAEDALY n. verbal legerdemain, esp. in the imaginative or capricious coining of new words.
MARTELLANDOMARTELLANDO n. (Italian) the act of playing the violin with a hammering touch, or with short quick detached movements of the bow.
METALLOIDALmetalloidal adj. Metalloid.
METALLOIDAL adj. intermediate in its properties between a typical metal and a typical nonmetal.
MORTADELLASmortadellas n. Plural of mortadella.
MORTADELLA n. (Italian) Italian pork sausage.
PLANETOIDALplanetoidal adj. Relating to a planetoid.
PLANETOIDAL adj. like a planetoid.
RADIOLABELSradiolabels n. Plural of radiolabel.
RADIOLABEL n. a label on a radioactive substance.
RALLENTANDOrallentando adj. (Music) slackening; becoming slower (used as a musical direction).
RALLENTANDO n. (Italian) a musical direction to perform a passage with a gradual decrease in time and force.
REALLOCATEDreallocated v. Simple past tense and past participle of reallocate.
REALLOCATE v. to allocate again.
UNALLOCATEDunallocated adj. That has not yet been allocated.
UNALLOCATED adj. not allocated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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