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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing 2A, F, 2I, R and T

AFFIRMATIONaffirmation n. That which is affirmed; a declaration that something is true.
affirmation n. (Law) The solemn declaration made by Quakers and others incapable of taking an oath.
affirmation n. A form of self-forced meditation or repetition; autosuggestion.
AFFIRMATIVEaffirmative adj. Pertaining to truth; asserting that something is; affirming.
affirmative adj. Pertaining to any assertion or active confirmation that favors a particular result.
affirmative adj. Positive.
AFFRICATINGaffricating v. Present participle of affricate.
AFFRICATE v. to sound a consonant in this way.
AFFRICATIONaffrication n. (Phonetics, uncountable, of a consonant) Becoming an affricate sound.
affrication n. (Countable) A particular instance of such change.
AFFRICATION n. the act of making a sound affricative.
AFFRICATIVEaffricative n. An affricate.
affricative adj. Of or relating to an affricate.
AFFRICATIVE n. a sound like an affricate.
FABRICATINGfabricating v. Present participle of fabricate.
FABRICATE v. to manufacture; to produce; to devise falsely.
FABRICATIONfabrication n. (Uncountable) The act of fabricating, framing, or constructing; construction; manufacture.
fabrication n. (Countable) That which is fabricated; a falsehood.
fabrication n. (Cooking) The act of cutting up an animal carcass as preparation for cooking; butchery.
FABRICATIVEfabricative adj. Fabricating; involved in manufacture.
FABRICATIVE adj. relating to fabrication.
FACILITATORfacilitator n. Something that facilitates.
facilitator n. A person who helps a group to have an effective dialog without taking any side of the argument, especially…
FACILITATOR n. one that facilitates.
FAMILIARITYfamiliarity n. The state of being extremely friendly; intimacy.
familiarity n. Undue intimacy; inappropriate informality, impertinence.
familiarity n. An instance of familiar behaviour.
FARCICALITYfarcicality n. Being farcical.
FARCICALITY n. the state of being farcical.
FLEXITARIANflexitarian n. One who is usually or primarily vegetarian, but not strictly so.
flexitarian adj. (Of a person) Being a flexitarian.
flexitarian adj. (Of food, a diet, etc.) Being what a flexitarian might eat.
FRATRICIDALfratricidal adj. Of or pertaining to fratricide.
FRATRICIDAL adj. relating to fratricide.
FRITILLARIAfritillaria n. (Botany) Any plant in the genus Fritillaria.
Fritillaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Liliaceae – the fritillary flowering plants.
Fritillaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fritillariidae – many small free-swimming tunicates.
FRUITARIANSfruitarians n. Plural of fruitarian.
FRUITARIAN n. a person who lives on fruit.
FUSTILARIANfustilarian n. (Obsolete, nonce word) A low fellow; a stinkard; a scoundrel.
FUSTILARIAN n. (Shakespeare) a fat and slovenly person, also FUSTILIRIAN, FUSTILLIRIAN.
INTERFACIALinterfacial adj. Of or pertaining to an interface.
INTERFACIAL adj. between plane faces; of an interface.
PACIFICATORpacificator n. A peacemaker, a pacifier.
PACIFICATOR n. a peacemaker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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