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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing 2A, G, M, N, O and P

ANEMOGRAPHSanemographs n. Plural of anemograph.
ANEMOGRAPH n. an instrument for measuring the pressure and velocity of wind.
ANEMOGRAPHYanemography n. A scientific description of the winds.
anemography n. The art of recording the direction and force of the wind, as by means of an anemograph.
ANEMOGRAPHY n. measurement by use of an anemograph, an instrument for measuring pressure and velocity of wind.
CAMPANOLOGYcampanology n. The study of bells and their casting, tuning, and ringing.
CAMPANOLOGY n. the art of bell ringing.
COMPAGINATEcompaginate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To unite or hold together.
COMPAGINATE v. to join; to connect.
DYNAMOGRAPHdynamograph n. A dynamometer that produces a graphical record; especially one used to record muscular power.
DYNAMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording mechanical forces.
GRAPHOMANIAgraphomania n. The compulsion to write.
graphomania n. (Art) Used as part of the name of various surrealist techniques, e.g., a method in which dots are made…
GRAPHOMANIA n. an obsession with writing.
NEOPAGANISMneopaganism n. A modern or revived form of paganism; modern pagan religion.
Neopaganism n. Alternative letter-case form of neopaganism.
neo-paganism n. Alternative spelling of neopaganism.
PARMIGIANOSPARMIGIANO n. (Italian) parmesan cheese, also PARMIGIANA.
PHAENOGAMICphaenogamic adj. (Botany) phaenogamous.
PHAENOGAMIC adj. of or like a phaenogam, a flowering plant, also PHAENOGAMOUS.
PHAGOMANIACPHAGOMANIAC n. one who suffers from phagomania, a compulsive desire to eat.
PHAGOMANIASPHAGOMANIA n. a compulsive desire to eat.
PHANEROGAMSphanerogams n. Plural of phanerogam.
PHANEROGAM n. a seed-plant or spermatophyte, e.g. the flowering plants and gymnosperms.
PLANOGAMETEplanogamete n. One of the motile ciliated gametes, or zoogametes, found in isogamous plants and green algae.
PLANOGAMETE n. a motile gamete.
POMEGRANATEpomegranate n. The fruit of the Punica granatum, about the size of an orange with a thick, hard, reddish skin enclosing…
pomegranate n. The shrub or small tree that bears the fruit.
pomegranate n. A dark red or orange-red colour, like that of the pulp or skin of a pomegranate fruit.
PROGYMNASIAPROGYMNASIUM n. in Germany, a gymnasium for pupils up to age 16 only, at which university entrance qualifications are not obtainable.
SPERMAGONIAspermagonia n. Plural of spermagonium.
SPERMAGONIUM n. a receptacle in which spermatia are produced in some fungi and lichens.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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