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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing 2A, H, 2L, P and R

ALLOGRAPHICallographic adj. Relating to allographs or allography.
ALLOGRAPHIC adj. relating to an allograph, a writing, esp. a signature, for another.
CALLIGRAPHYcalligraphy n. (Uncountable) The art or practice of writing letters and words in a decorative style; the letters and…
calligraphy n. (Countable) Any such style of decorative writing.
calligraphy n. (Countable) A document written in decorative style.
GRAPHICALLYgraphically adv. In a graphic manner.
GRAPHICAL adv. of or pertaining to the arts of painting and drawing, also GRAPHIC.
HYOPLASTRALHYOPLASTRAL adj. of or like a hyoplastron.
PARHELIACALparheliacal adj. Of or pertaining to parhelia.
PARHELIACAL adj. of or pertaining to a parhelion, a halolike light seen in sky opposite the sun, also PARHELIC.
PAROCHIALLYparochially adv. In a parochial manner.
PAROCHIAL adv. local; confined to one region.
PHALLOCRATSphallocrats n. Plural of phallocrat.
PHALLOCRAT n. one who assumes the naturalness of male dominance.
PROTHALLIALPROTHALLIAL adj. of or like the prothallium, the growth following a germinating spore, for the purpose of sexual reproduction, producing the antheridia and archegonia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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