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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, B, G, 2I, T and U

AIRBURSTINGairbursting v. Present participle of airburst.
AIRBURST v. to explode in the air.
AMBIGUITIESambiguities n. Plural of ambiguity.
AMBIGUITY n. the state of being ambiguous.
ATTRIBUTINGattributing v. Present participle of attribute.
ATTRIBUTE v. to ascribe.
BEAUTIFYINGbeautifying v. Present participle of beautify.
beautifying n. The action of the verb to beautify.
beautifying adj. That beautifies; tending to make beautiful.
BIFURCATINGbifurcating v. Present participle of bifurcate.
bifurcating adj. Dividing or forking into two.
BIFURCATE v. to fork.
BRUTALISINGbrutalising v. (Britain) present participle of brutalise.
BRUTALISE v. to make brutal, also BRUTALIZE.
BRUTALIZINGbrutalizing adj. Cruel, harsh, or otherwise insensitive.
brutalizing v. Present participle of brutalize.
BRUTALIZE v. to make brutal, also BRUTALISE.
BULLBAITINGbullbaiting n. An old blood sport involving the baiting of bulls.
bullbaiting n. (Scientology) A process in which a person is subjected to simulated threats and verbal abuse but must not respond.
BULLBAITING n. the former practice of baiting bulls with dogs.
BUSTICATINGbusticating v. Present participle of busticate.
BUSTICATE v. (colloquial) to break.
HABITUATINGhabituating v. Present participle of habituate.
habituating adj. Habit-forming.
HABITUATE v. to accustom to.
INUMBRATINGinumbrating v. Present participle of inumbrate.
INUMBRATE v. to cast a shadow upon.
LUBRICATINGlubricating v. Present participle of lubricate.
lubricating adj. That lubricates.
LUBRICATE v. to make smooth or slippery.
RUBRICATINGrubricating v. Present participle of rubricate.
RUBRICATE v. to write, print, or mark in red; formerly, to enter (a name) in red letters in a calendar of saints.
SUBIRRIGATEsubirrigate v. (Agriculture) To irrigate from below, using the subirrigation technique.
SUBIRRIGATE v. to irrigate by underground pipes.
SUBLIMATINGsublimating v. Present participle of sublimate.
SUBLIMATE v. to cause to pass directly from the solid to the vapor state and condense back to solid form.
TRIBULATINGtribulating v. Present participle of tribulate.
TRIBULATE v. to cause to endure tribulation.
UNBAPTISINGunbaptising v. Present participle of unbaptise.
UNBAPTISE v. to undo the effects of baptism, also UNBAPTIZE.
UNBAPTIZINGunbaptizing v. Present participle of unbaptize.
UNBAPTIZE v. to undo the effects of baptism, also UNBAPTISE.
UNMITIGABLEunmitigable adj. Not able to be mitigated or made less severe; not mitigable.
UNMITIGABLE adj. that cannot be mitigated.
UNMITIGABLYunmitigably adv. In a way that cannot be mitigated.
UNMITIGABLE adv. that cannot be mitigated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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