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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing A, B, G, O, R and 2S

BERGAMASKOSBERGAMASKO n. an inhabitant of Bergamo.
BLOGSTREAMSBLOGSTREAM n. the alternative news and information network growing up around weblogs.
BROUGHTASESBROUGHTAS n. a small portion added to a purchase of food by a vendor to encourage the person to return, also BRAATA, BRAATAS, BROUGHTA.
GLASSBLOWERglassblower n. A person skilled in the art of glassblowing.
GLASSBLOWER n. one who blows glass.
GOATSBEARDSgoatsbeards n. Plural of goatsbeard.
goat's-beards n. Plural of goat’s-beard.
GOATSBEARD n. a plant with woolly stems and large heads of yellow rayed flowers surrounded by large green bracts.
SEABORGIUMSSEABORGIUM n. an artificially produced radioactive element with atomic number 106.
SMORGASBORDsmorgasbord n. A Swedish-style buffet comprising a variety of cold sandwiches and other dishes; (by extension) any…
smorgasbord n. (Figuratively) An abundant and diverse collection of things.
smörgåsbord n. Alternative form of smorgasbord.
SUBJUGATORSsubjugators n. Plural of subjugator.
SUBJUGATOR n. one who subjugates.
SUBPROGRAMSsubprograms n. Plural of subprogram.
SUBPROGRAM n. a subpart of a program.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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