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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, 2C, L, M, R and S

CIRCUMSOLARcircumsolar adj. Surrounding or moving around the Sun.
CIRCUMSOLAR adj. situated or moving round the sun.
CLERICALISMclericalism n. Political or secular power invested in members of the clergy.
CLERICALISM n. a policy of maintaining or increasing the power of a religious hierarchy.
CLICKSTREAMclickstream n. (Computing, marketing) A profile of a user’s activity in a web browser or other software, based on what is clicked.
CLICKSTREAM n. a path used in navigating cyberspace.
CLOCKMAKERSclockmakers n. Plural of clockmaker.
CLOCKMAKER n. one who makes clocks.
COCKALORUMScockalorums n. Plural of cockalorum.
COCKALORUM n. boastful talk; a boastful and self-important person.
COMMERCIALScommercials n. Plural of commercial.
COMMERCIAL n. an advertisement broadcast on radio or television.
CROSSCLAIMScrossclaims n. Plural of crossclaim.
crossclaims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of crossclaim.
CROSSCLAIM n. a claim made by a defendant against a plaintiff.
MACROCYCLESmacrocycles n. Plural of macrocycle.
MACROCYCLE n. a macrocyclic organic molecule or compound.
MACROSCALESmacroscales n. Plural of macroscale.
MACROSCALE n. a large often macroscopic scale.
MARCESCIBLEMARCESCIBLE adj. tending to wither or fade.
MICROSCALESmicroscales n. Plural of microscale.
MICROSCALE n. an extremely small scale.
MODACRYLICSmodacrylics n. Plural of modacrylic.
SACCULIFORMsacculiform adj. Shaped like a little sac.
SACCULIFORM adj. shaped like a small sac.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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