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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 2E, I, L and X

CATAPLEXIEScataplexies n. Plural of cataplexy.
CATAPLEXY n. a condition feigning death, used by some animals to discourage predators.
CEPHALEXINScephalexins n. Plural of cephalexin.
CEPHALEXIN n. a semisynthetic cephalosporin, any of a group of wide-spectrum antibiotics derived from the fungus Cephalosporin.
EXCEPTIONALexceptional adj. Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare.
exceptional adj. Better than the average; superior due to exception or rarity.
exceptional adj. (Geometry) Corresponding to something of lower dimension under a birational correspondence.
EXCLAMATIVEexclamative adj. In the form of an exclamation; exclamatory.
EXCLAMATIVE n. a word or sentence that denotes an exclamation.
EXCOGITABLEexcogitable adj. Imaginable; able to be thought or conceived of.
EXCOGITABLE adj. that can be excogitated.
EXECUTORIALexecutorial adj. Of or relating to an executive (Branch of government etc.).
executorial adj. Of or relating to an executor.
EXECUTORIAL adj. relating to an executor.
EXERCISABLEexercisable adj. Capable of being exercised.
EXERCISABLE adj. that can be exercised.
EXPLICATIVEexplicative adj. Explanatory; serving to explain logically or in detail.
EXPLICATIVE adj. serving to explicate.
EXTRACTIBLEextractible adj. Alternative spelling of extractable.
EXTRACTIBLE adj. that can be extracted, also EXTRACTABLE.
EXULTANCIESexultancies n. Plural of exultancy.
EXULTANCY n. exultation, also EXULTANCE.
HEXADECIMALhexadecimal n. (Arithmetic, computing, uncountable) A number system with base sixteen, using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3…
hexadecimal n. (Countable, computing) A number expressed in the hexadecimal system.
hexadecimal adj. Of a number, expressed in hexadecimal.
INEXCITABLEinexcitable adj. Not excitable.
INEXCITABLE adj. not excitable.
INEXCUSABLEinexcusable adj. Not excusable.
INEXCUSABLE adj. that cannot be excused.
INEXECRABLEinexecrable adj. (Obsolete) That cannot be execrated enough.
INEXECRABLE adj. (Shakespeare) perhaps a misprint for inexorable, though interpreted by some as an intensive form of execrable.
LEXICALISEDlexicalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of lexicalise.
LEXICALISE v. to put into a lexicon, also LEXICALIZE.
LEXICALISESlexicalises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lexicalise.
LEXICALISE v. to put into a lexicon, also LEXICALIZE.
LEXICALIZEDlexicalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of lexicalize.
LEXICALIZE v. to put into a lexicon, also LEXICALISE.
LEXICALIZESlexicalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lexicalize.
LEXICALIZE v. to put into a lexicon, also LEXICALISE.
UNEXCITABLEunexcitable adj. Not excitable, not easily excited.
unexcitable adj. Not capable of being excited.
UNEXCITABLE adj. not excitable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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