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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, H, L, M and P

ALPHAMETICSalphametics n. Plural of alphametic.
ALPHAMETIC n. a popular mathematical puzzle in which numbers are replaced by letters forming words.
CEPHALOTOMYcephalotomy n. Dissection or opening of the head.
cephalotomy n. (Medicine) craniotomy; usually applied to bisection of the fetal head with a saw.
CEPHALOTOMY n. the dissection of the head.
DICEPHALISMDICEPHALISM n. the state of being dicephalous, having two heads.
EMPLEACHINGempleaching v. Present participle of empleach.
EMPLEACH v. to intertwine, also IMPLEACH.
ENCEPHALOMAencephaloma n. (Medicine, dated) A tumor of the brain.
encephaloma n. (Medicine, dated) Encephaloid carcinoma.
ENCEPHALOMA n. a brain tumour.
EPITHALAMICepithalamic adj. Belonging to, or designed for, an epithalamium.
epithalamic adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the epithalamus.
EPITHALAMIC adj. of or like an epithalamium.
HAEMOPHILIChaemophilic adj. (British spelling) of or pertaining to haemophilia.
HAEMOPHILIC adj. suffering from haemophilia, also HEMOPHILIC.
HEMERALOPIChemeralopic adj. (Medicine) Unable to see clearly in bright light; day-blind; suffering from hemeralopia.
HEMERALOPIC adj. relating to hemeralopia.
HEMOPHILIAChemophiliac n. (Medicine) A person with hemophilia.
HEMOPHILIAC n. one affected with hemophilia.
HYPOKALEMIChypokalemic adj. Having a low percentage of potassium in one’s blood.
HYPOKALEMIC adj. relating to hypokalemia, a deficiency of potassium in the blood.
IMPEACHABLEimpeachable adj. Able to be impeached (of a person).
impeachable adj. That warrants impeachment (of an offence).
IMPEACHABLE adj. that can be impeached.
IMPLEACHINGimpleaching v. Present participle of impleach.
IMPLEACH v. to intertwine, also EMPLEACH.
MEGACEPHALYmegacephaly n. Macrencephaly.
MEGACEPHALY n. the condition of having an unusually large head or cranial capacity, also MEGALOCEPHALY.
MESOCEPHALYmesocephaly n. The property of being mesocephalic.
MESOCEPHALY n. having a medium skull, also MESOCEPHALISM.
MICROCEPHALMICROCEPHAL n. someone having a very small head.
MYELOPATHICmyelopathic adj. Of or pertaining to myelopathy.
MYELOPATHIC adj. relating to myelopathy.
PACHYDERMALpachydermal adj. Synonym of pachydermic.
pachydermal adj. Grainy.
PACHYDERMAL adj. of or like a pachyderm.
PARENCHYMALparenchymal adj. Of or pertaining to parenchyma.
PARENCHYMAL adj. of or like a parenchyma, a generalized cell or tissue in a plant, also PARENCHYMATOUS.
PHOCOMELIASphocomelias n. Plural of phocomelia.
PHOCOMELIA n. a type of congenital deformity, with seallike limbs, also PHOCOMELY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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