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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing A, C, 3L, O and Y

BUCOLICALLYbucolically adv. In a bucolic manner.
BUCOLICAL adv. relating to the tending of cattle, also BUCOLIC.
CALORICALLYcalorically adv. In a caloric manner.
CALORIC adv. related to heat.
CLADOPHYLLScladophylls n. Plural of cladophyll.
CLADOPHYLL n. a special branch, resembling a leaf, as in the apparent foliage of the broom.
COLLEGIALLYcollegially adv. In a collegial manner.
collegially adv. Regarding colleagues.
COLLEGIAL adv. of or relating to a college.
COLLINEARLYcollinearly adv. In a collinear manner.
COLLINEAR adv. in the same straight line, also COLINEAR.
COLLOIDALLYcolloidally adv. With respect to colloids.
COLLOIDAL adv. pertaining to, or of the nature of, colloids.
COMPELLABLYcompellably adv. By compulsion.
COMPELLABLE adv. that can be compelled.
CYCLOIDALLYcycloidally adv. In a cycloidal manner.
CYCLOIDAL adv. of or like a cycloid, a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls along a straight line.
ELECTORALLYelectorally adv. In an electoral manner.
electorally adv. With regard to elections.
ELECTORAL adv. relating to elections or electors, also ELECTORIAL.
ILLOGICALLYillogically adv. In an illogical manner, without following methods of sane and correct reasoning, in a manner lacking thought or logic.
ILLOGICAL adv. not logical, also UNLOGICAL.
LACONICALLYlaconically adv. In a terse manner, given to using few words.
LACONICAL adv. of a person's speech, using few words, terse, also LACONIC.
MELODICALLYmelodically adv. In a melodic manner.
MELODIC adv. pertaining to melody.
MOLECULARLYmolecularly adv. In a molecular manner.
molecularly adv. With regard to molecules.
MOLECULAR adv. relating to a molecule.
PHYLLOCLADEphylloclade n. (Botany) A flattened stem, a type of cladode that has unlimited extension growth and resembles a leaf.
PHYLLOCLADE n. another name for a cladode, also PHYLLOCLAD.
PHYLLOCLADSPHYLLOCLAD n. another name for a cladode, also PHYLLOCLADE.
POLEMICALLYpolemically adv. In a polemical manner.
POLEMICAL adv. related to polemics, debate, also POLEMIC.
POLITICALLYpolitically adv. In a political manner.
politically adv. Regarding politics, in a way connected to politics.
POLITICAL adv. related to politics.
POLYALCOHOLpolyalcohol n. (Organic chemistry) An alcohol containing many hydroxy groups (typically more than two).
POLYALCOHOL n. an alcohol that contains more than one hydroxyl group.
POLYCLONALSpolyclonals n. Plural of polyclonal.
POLYCLONAL n. a type of antibody.
VOCALICALLYvocalically adv. In terms of, or by means of, a vowel.
VOCALIC adv. of or pertaining to vowel sounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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