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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, D, E, 2O, P and U

ADIPOCEROUSadipocerous adj. Like adipocere.
ADIPOCEROUS adj. like adipocere, a fatty substance occurring in corpses left in moist areas.
DEPOPULATORdepopulator n. A person who depopulates an area, especially one who forcibly removes people from an estate.
DEPOPULATOR n. one who depopulates.
ENDOPHAGOUSendophagous adj. (Biology, of a parasite) That feeds from within the host organism.
ENDOPHAGOUS adj. exhibiting endophagy, cannibalism within a tribe.
OUTGALLOPEDoutgalloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgallop.
OUTGALLOP v. to surpass at galloping.
POMPADOUREDpompadoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of pompadour.
pompadoured adj. (Of a head of hair) Styled in a pompadour.
POMPADOURED adj. of hair, in the pompadour style.
PROCTODAEUMproctodaeum n. Alternative spelling of proctodeum.
proctodæum n. Obsolete form of proctodeum.
PROCTODAEUM n. the posterior portion of the alimentary canal, also PROCTODEUM.
PSEUDOLOGIAPSEUDOLOGIA n. lying in speech or writing.
PSEUDOMONADpseudomonad n. Any of many bacteria of the family Pseudomonadaceae, some of which are pathogenic.
PSEUDOMONAD n. a virgate plant and animal pathogen.
PSEUDOMONASpseudomonas n. A pseudomonad.
Pseudomonas prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pseudomonadaceae – several gram-negative bacteria that cause a variety…
PSEUDOMONAS n. any of a genus of rodlike bacteria, many of which cause disease in plants or animals.
PSEUDOPODALpseudopodal adj. Relating to a pseudopod.
PSEUDOPODAL adj. of or like a pseudopod, also PSEUDOPODIAL.
PSEUDOPODIApseudopodia n. Plural of pseudopodium.
pseudopodia n. Plural of pseudopod.
PSEUDOPODIUM n. a process protruding from the cell of a protozoan, etc., used for movement or feeding.
TETRAPODOUStetrapodous adj. Tetrapod; four-limbed.
TETRAPODOUS adj. having four feet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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