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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing A, E, L, M, N, R and Z

CRIMINALIZEcriminalize v. (Transitive) To make (something) a crime; to make illegal under criminal law; to ban.
criminalize v. (Transitive) To treat as a criminal.
CRIMINALIZE v. to make illegal, also CRIMINALISE.
EMBLAZONERSemblazoners n. Plural of emblazoner.
EMBLAZONER n. one who emblazons.
LAMINARIZEDlaminarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of laminarize.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.
LAMINARIZESlaminarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of laminarize.
LAMINARIZE v. to make laminar, also LAMINARISE.
MARBELIZINGmarbelizing v. Present participle of marbelize.
MARBELIZE v. to stain or grain in imitation of marble, also MARBELISE, MARBLEISE, MARBLEIZE.
MARBLEIZINGmarbleizing v. Present participle of marbleize.
MARBLEIZE v. to stain or grain in imitation of marble, also MARBELISE, MARBELIZE, MARBLEISE.
MARGINALIZEmarginalize v. (Transitive) To relegate (something, especially a topic or a group of people) to the margins or to a…
MARGINALIZE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALISE.
MARMELIZINGmarmelizing v. Present participle of marmelize.
MARMELIZE v. (slang) to thrash, defeat heavily, also MARMALISE, MARMALIZE, MARMELISE.
MINERALIZEDmineralized v. Simple past tense and past participle of mineralize.
mineralized adj. Converted to, or impregnated with minerals; petrified.
MINERALIZE v. to transform into a mineral, also MINERALISE.
MINERALIZERmineralizer n. An element which is combined with a metal to form an ore.
mineralizer n. A volatile or other substance, such as water, that facilitates the recrystallization of rocks.
MINERALIZER n. a person who, or that which, mineralises, also MINERALISER.
MINERALIZESmineralizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mineralize.
MINERALIZE v. to transform into a mineral, also MINERALISE.
NORMALIZERSnormalizers n. Plural of normalizer.
NORMALIZER n. one that normalizes, also NORMALISER.
RENORMALIZErenormalize v. (Physics) To subject to renormalization.
renormalize v. To make the norm again.
RENORMALIZE v. to subject to or calculate using renormalization, also RENORMALISE.
UNMORALIZEDunmoralized adj. Not restrained or tutored by morality.
UNMORALIZED adj. not moralised upon, also UNMORALISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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