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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, H, I, 2M, S and T

ACHROMATISMachromatism n. (Optics) The state or quality of being achromatic; achromaticity.
achromatism n. The state of being free of colors, not emitting or separating into colors.
achromatism n. Achromatopia.
FAMISHMENTSfamishments n. Plural of famishment.
FAMISHMENT n. the state of being famished.
HEMATEMESIShematemesis n. (American spelling, medicine) Blood within vomitus; the vomiting of blood.
HEMATEMESIS n. vomiting of blood, esp. as the result of a bleeding ulcer, also HAEMATEMESIS.
MAHATMAISMSMAHATMAISM n. the state of being a mahatma.
MATHEMATICSmathematics n. An abstract representational system studying numbers, shapes, structures, quantitative change and relationships…
mathematics n. A person’s ability to count, calculate, and use different systems of mathematics at differing levels.
MATHEMATICS n. the science of numbers and their operations.
MATHEMATISEmathematise v. Alternative spelling of mathematize.
METALSMITHSmetalsmiths n. Plural of metalsmith.
METALSMITH n. a smith working in metal.
METHOMANIASMETHOMANIA n. a morbid craving for alcohol.
MISCHMETALSmischmetals n. Plural of mischmetal.
MISCHMETAL n. an alloy of cerium with certain rare earth metals and iron, used to produce the spark in lighters.
MISMATCHINGmismatching v. Present participle of mismatch.
mismatching n. An incorrect match or pairing; a mismatch.
MISMATCH v. to match badly.
MYTHMAKINGSmythmakings n. Plural of mythmaking.
MYTHMAKING n. the making of myths.
MYTHOMANIASmythomanias n. Plural of mythomania.
MYTHOMANIA n. an excessive or abnormal propensity for lying and exaggerating.
RHEUMATISMSrheumatisms n. Plural of rheumatism.
RHEUMATISM n. a condition characterised by pain and stiffness in muscles and joints, also RHEUMATEESE, RHEUMATISE, RHEUMATIZ, RHEUMATIZE.
SCHEMATISMSschematisms n. Plural of schematism.
SCHEMATISM n. combination of the aspects of heavenly bodies.
SHUNAMITISMshunamitism n. (Historical) The ancient practice of an old man sleeping with, but not necessarily having sex with…
SHUNAMITISM n. rejuvenation of an old man by a young woman.
TRIPHAMMERStriphammers n. Plural of triphammer.
trip␣hammers n. Plural of trip hammer.
TRIPHAMMER n. a power hammer that is raised or tilted by a cam and allowed to fall under gravity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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